
The Public Sector Informant

Offshore detention: the unethical policy that undid loyal public servants

The Auditor-General's report on immigration contracts reveals the dangers of pursuing dubious objectives in secret and at reckless speed.

After a lull during the build-up to the federal election and the caretaker period, the Australian National Audit Office made up for lost time. From August 31 to September 20, it published 17 performance audit reports, about one-third of a typical year's output.

A drawing by a seven-year-old girl in immigration detention.
A drawing by a seven-year-old girl in immigration detention. Photo: Human Rights Commission

Among them was a lengthy report on how the Immigration Department let contracts for servicing the offshore processing centres in Nauru and Manus Island. Like many ANAO performance reports, it focuses on internal administrative procedures rather than policy outcomes, examining the extent to which the department, in engaging private service providers, complied with government guidelines for the tendering process, particularly those set out in the Commonwealth Procurement Rules.

Critical observers of offshore processing might have hoped for an examination of more directly pertinent questions, such as the treatment of detainees themselves. The terms on which the government hired private organisations to implement its policies seems a less important issue than the effect of those policies on asylum seekers themselves. But the ANAO was fully justified in choosing a narrower remit. Its performance audits aim to assess the efficiency and effectiveness with which government agencies pursue objectives set out for them in legislation or ministerial instructions. Where objectives are not clear and explicit, assessment of performance inevitably involves applying criteria that are contestable and requires political judgment. Such judgments are beyond the scope of the Auditor-General, who must work within the policy framework authorised by the government.

Slammed by the United Nations: the detention centre on Nauru.
Slammed by the United Nations: the detention centre on Nauru. Photo: Refugee Action Coalition

In the case of offshore processing, the policy objectives are notoriously contentious and too brutal to be articulated honestly. The Auditor-General can hardly be blamed for declining to enter such a political minefield and for preferring a more straightforward question where the criteria are crystal-clear: compliance with stated government rules. At the same time, while concentrating on internal processes, the report throws light on wider issues. It illustrates the strains placed on public servants required to implement policies of questionable legality outside the normal standards of accountability and transparency. It also offers a glimpse into the murky world of government-contractor relations, where rivers of public money flow into private-sector companies, often without effective scrutiny.

The report covers the period from 2012 to the present, beginning with the Gillard government's decision to establish offshore processing centres in Nauru and Manus Island in an attempt to stem the growing numbers of boat people. To help with operations at the centres, the Immigration Department entered into contracts for garrison support, which includes security, cleaning and catering, and welfare services, which cover health, recreation and education. Responsibility for garrison support was given to Transfield Services for Nauru and to G4S for Manus Island. The main provider of welfare services was Save the Children, with help from the Salvation Army.


After the Abbott government was elected in 2013, the department began to consolidate contractual arrangements with the aim of reducing the number of contractors and achieving economies of scale. In March 2014, Transfield took over garrison support for Manus Island as well as Nauru. In October 2015, Transfield (later rebranded as Broadspectrum) became the sole provider of both garrison support and welfare services in both centres, pending completion of an open tender process. However, after a probity audit found serious problems with the tender process (and while the ANAO was conducting its investigation), the department decided to abandon the process, announcing its decision on July 29 this year, a few weeks after the recent election. In the meantime, the department has extended its current arrangement with Broadspectrum to October 2017, to allow time for it to consider its next steps.

The ANAO's audit deals separately with three stages of offshore contracting: the initial period of multiple contractors, the consequent process of consolidating under a single contractor, and the ultimately unsuccessful attempt at an open tender. For each stage, it applies standards taken from the procurement rules, identifying "serious and persistent deficiencies" and finding the department "has fallen well short of effective procurement practice".

The Auditor-General found the Immigration Department could not show how Transfield's contract demonstrated value for money.
The Auditor-General found the Immigration Department could not show how Transfield's contract demonstrated value for money. Photo: Eddie Jim

All the offshore processing contracts agreed to by the department fall into the procurement rules' category of "limited tender". Limited tenders, as the name suggests, lack some of the conditions required of standard "open" tenders, where submissions are called for in open competition, and "prequalified" tenders, where submissions are invited from potential suppliers preselected according to a form of open process. Limited tenders can allow an approach to only one or a few potential suppliers, without full competition. They are permitted only under certain conditions, such as the failure of an open tender process or extreme urgency that rules out an open competitive process.

The department used extreme urgency as a justification for its limited tenders. Under pressure from the growing numbers of boat people and a rampant opposition, the Gillard government required the department to implement the policy of offshore processing with the utmost speed. In addition, the novelty of the policy and the difficulties associated with operating in foreign jurisdictions meant that contract details had to be drawn up on the run and were subject to constant revision.

The ANAO fully accepts the case for limited tenders on the basis of extreme urgency. But it argues that limited tenders are still subject to certain requirements that the department failed to meet. For example, there was no excuse for the paucity of record-keeping at all stages, which hampered the ANAO's task and accountability generally. More specifically, in the absence of competitive tenders, agencies must satisfy themselves that a sole supplier offers value for money. One favoured mechanism is to benchmark the proposed cost of the contract against the actual costs of other, similar services. For the initial contracts in 2012, the ANAO found no evidence of any attempt to assess value for money, beyond a judgment that the proposed suppliers were available or had the capacity to respond quickly or were simply available. Indeed, no full assessment of costs was made and the contracts were signed after operations had begun.

The issue of value for money also arose in connection with the second stage of contracting, after the change of government in 2013 and the decision to consolidate operations under one contractor. The clear rationale for consolidation, explicitly endorsed by the cabinet, was to achieve economies of scale through the use of a sole supplier. Pending an open tender process that would find the most cost-efficient contractor, the department adopted a process of limited tender to appoint Transfield as interim sole provider. This time, there could be no excuse for neglecting value-for-money considerations in determining a price, especially when the government expected immediate economies of scale. The department therefore adopted a benchmarking approach to justify the cost of the Transfield contract. However, the ANAO finds that the particular benchmark models used were inadequate and tailored carefully to justify an increase rather than a decrease in costs.

Failure to register conflicts of interest in such a context of obvious favouritism compounds the department's ethical negligence.

A similar disregard for savings and value for money marked the final stage, in which the department was supposedly conducting an open tender process but decided to enter into negotiations with the current sole supplier, Transfield/Broadspectrum. An external adviser, KPMG, had estimated Transfield's proposed costs at more than half a billion over its historical costs. The benchmarking process was again deficient, relying too much on Transfield's own costs, and not allowing equal treatment for other potential suppliers.

Another persistent fault was the failure to meet required standards of probity. For example, the procurement rules expect all officials undertaking procurement to recognise conflicts of interest, whether actual, potential or perceived. However, the ANAO could find no evidence that members of the department dealing with the contracts had made conflict of interest declarations. Potential conflict of interest also arose in connection with the employment of KPMG as an adviser on the tender, when KPMG acted for Transfield as its external auditor and provider of other financial services. KPMG's assurance that no member of the team working on the tender was involved with services for Transfield was deemed sufficient.

Probity in a tendering process also requires that all potential suppliers be treated fairly and given an equal chance of securing the contract. The ANAO notes that the department dealt unfairly with several reputable contractors, including Serco, which had indicated interest in the initial round of contracts but was left out of consideration, and GS4, the original contractor for Manus Island, which was denied the opportunity to tender for the consolidated contract, with no reason given. By implication, the department's continuing preference for Transfield/Broadspectrum breached normal expectations of probity. Failure to register conflicts of interest in such a context of obvious favouritism compounds the department's ethical negligence.

In the end, probity issues helped to sink the final tender process. The department engaged the law firm Maddocks to act as probity adviser, to help develop probity safeguards and to provide periodic sign-offs. One such progress report noted the revised negotiations with Transfield/Broadspectrum included material changes to the original tender that had been released to the market. These changes, including significant price increases, raised serious probity and process risks. At this point, the department had little option but to abort the process on the ground that it couldn't determine whether the contract offered best value for money. In the meantime, however, Broadspectrum continues to provide services on the basis of arrangements that breach Commonwealth financial standards.

In its defence, the department said the fluid policy context and the difficulty of operating offshore forced it be "agile" (a tired buzzword that has lost any capacity to impress). The argument has some force. It was politicians, not public servants, who chose the policy with all its haste, hypocrisy ("saving lives at sea") and lack of transparency. Loyal bureaucrats were obliged to implement it as best they could. In this respect, the ANAO, with its restricted focus on the department, might seem to exonerate the other players, particularly the populist politicians and greedy contractors, who have more to answer for.

But the ANAO is only one accountability agency among many, including Parliament, the media, civil society and the courts, which have had plenty to say on the merits of the policy. Its story, if limited, is an important one. It shows how procedural and ethical standards in the public service can easily slip in the absence of normal transparency and when public servants are asked to pursue dubious policy objectives at reckless speed.

The experience with offshore contracting highlights other weaknesses in the Australian Public Service, such as a general lack of capacity and experience within departments. It also illustrates the slackness in record-keeping deplored by Peter Shergold in his report on lessons from the home-insulation program. More generally, it reveals the extent to which private consultants and contractors are taking over responsibility for both policymaking and implementing policy. Departments have left themselves without the staff to do much of their core business. In addition, they lack the skills to determine whether contracts are giving them value for money. No wonder the consulting and contracting firms flock to Canberra as bees to a honeypot.

Richard Mulgan is an emeritus professor at the ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy.
