
The Public Sector Informant

Biases that hamper careers of public servants with disabilities

Why does the bureaucracy lag the rest of the workforce in including people with disabilities?

The Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra recently completed a cultural audit of perceptions and practices in relation to the barriers employees with disability face in the Australian Public Service.

What is 'disability'?

In our work with public servants on their perceptions around disability, a key question often raised was what was actually meant by the term "disability".

"Low representation and few role models can lead to hostile workplaces."
"Low representation and few role models can lead to hostile workplaces." Photo: Izabela Habur

Traditional definitions of disability focus on the limitations of individuals, often referred to as a "capability deficit". For example, the Australian Bureau of Statistics defines disability as something that occurs if a person has "a limitation, restriction or impairment" that lasts for a considerable period of time and restricts daily activities.

However, it's increasingly acknowledged that disability results from limitations imposed on individuals by a society designed by and for the "able-bodied". Thus, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability considers that disability occurs "as a result of the interaction between people with impairments and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others".

We found that, in the workplace, the term "disability" often leads to a focus on what is lacking in a person, rather than what is limiting in the environment. This supports a culture of reactive adjustments for individuals who disclose disability, rather than proactive attempts to increase an organisation's ability to recruit, retain and progress the careers of people with diverse abilities.


Why the concern?

In most, if not all, countries, there is an under-representation of people with disability in employment. In Australia, although people with disability make up almost 9 per cent of the workforce, that figure is about 7 per cent in the APS, and only 3 per cent disclose their disability to their agency. Low representation and few role models can lead to hostile workplaces. In Australia, public sector employees with disability are almost twice as likely to report feeling bullied or harassed than other employees. There is a moral imperative to value an inclusive culture and to empower rather than exclude minority groups; recognition should also be given to the benefits that diversity brings, such as representativeness, creativity and overall enhancement of organisational performance.

Why an audit?

Even with the best of intentions and a comprehensive disability-management program in place, an increase in the number of people with disability employed may have a minimal effect on workplace culture. This often occurs where staff have limited understanding of what constitutes disability and why disability-awareness initiatives are needed. Research suggests that disability policies can also lead to a backlash and concern about "reverse discrimination".

An upfront, cultural audit of the existing state of awareness and attitudes towards disability provides a baseline measure of an organisation's "diversity climate" and readiness for change. It's important for leaders and managers to know the extent to which staff acknowledge any problems, to gauge whether there is a need to experiment with solutions. This was the strategy that underpinned the audits we undertook across seven APS departments of various sizes and functions.

Our approach

We explored the main cultural and systemic factors perceived by public servants – whether or not they had disability – to affect workplace participation and career progress by people with disability. Our intention was to inform decision-makers about any barriers and to provide evidence-based recommendations to enable effective policy action.

We used several methods to collect data: a qualitative analysis of three focus groups in each department; a quantitative, online survey for all departmental staff to validate findings from the qualitative work and identify any inconsistent knowledge claims; and a quantitative analysis of relevant data across all Australian government departments drawing on the Public Service Commission's State of the Service reports.

What we found

In essence, we found that the mobilisation of unconscious bias against public servants with disability was undermining both the quality of their professional lives and their career progression. In overview, people with disability perceived more varied and intractable barriers to workplace participation – largely because of poorly implemented departmental policies and procedures – than did people without disability. However, both groups identified significant cultural, organisational and individual barriers. Some of the (overlapping) barriers identified included:

1. Cultural barriers:

  • unconscious bias in language, behaviours and preconceptions of capabilities;
  • at times, an inhospitable culture, including in human-resource areas; and
  • at times, an absence of committed leadership.

2. Organisational barriers:

  • the definition of disability used can disempower employees;
  • lack of accessible and equitable recruitment, promotion and performance-management processes;
  • lack of reasonable and prompt workplace-adjustment processes;
  • unclear management roles and responsibilities;
  • an absence of senior role models;
  • limited human-resource experience of dealing creatively with difference;
  • insufficient provision for targeted learning and development opportunities;
  • the effects of resource constraints; and
  • a gap (sometimes large) between policies and implementation.

3. Individual barriers:

  • a lack of empowerment, leading to insufficient autonomy and low confidence;
  • the assignment of work that underestimates capability;
  • inability to access support networks;
  • inability to access flexible-work arrangements;
  • uninformed performance-review processes; and
  • financial costs of participation.

Directions for change

These findings indicate three critical dilemmas faced by government agencies; dilemmas that lead to specific areas for policy action. They include: an alienating culture that leads to unconscious bias; organisational myopia and a lack of managerial capability; and ineffective policy implementation, including lack of appropriate learning and performance regimes.

It follows that strong, committed, consistent and inclusive leadership is a necessary (if insufficient) area for action. Culture reflects the organisation's underlying values and assumptions, which translate into the behaviours that leaders must drive.

We asked participants to suggest what their departments could do to reduce the barriers to employment they had identified. Despite differences in departmental cultures and individual backgrounds, the responses were surprisingly uniform: a common call for action included more awareness and unconscious-bias training and support, as well as programs to build self-confidence. Our studies suggest particular attention must be paid to building human-resource teams with relevant skills and to ensure that human-resource areas are represented in the departmental executive team. Moreover, all managers need supporting with training on inclusive organisational behaviour.

Several writers have argued that an effective strategy to encourage more people with disability into employment and to ensure their career progression would start with ensuring that those within the organisation are involved in tasks that broaden their awareness of the benefits of increased diversity. Only once there is some motivation and awareness of why people with disability should be more prevalent in their organisation can managers look to appropriate strategies to create a more diverse workforce.

If the aim is to ensure that all individuals, regardless of difference, work to their full capabilities, then those with expertise – in this case, the person with disability – should be at the centre of a process of co-design geared towards building an inclusive workplace culture. "Just ask the person" (known in the trade as ATP) is the first and necessary step. In this way, more effective co-design of workplaces and practices can occur, and not just for people with disability. More specific areas for action designed to enhance organisational capability are included in our report.

In line with an emphasis on accepting the many differences in ways in which people – with or without disability – work, goes the value of mainstreaming policies that benefit everyone: accessible workplaces, flexible workplace policies, fair complaint systems, improved and fairer performance-management processes, and more supportive supervisor-staff relationships will enhance all employees' capabilities. This would represent a move away from the medical approach to disability, which views the individual as having a "problem" that needs to be fixed, towards a more inclusive social approach to disability, in which all employees in the organisation are valued.

Finally, our findings suggest it's more effective to consider how the workplace can be adapted for people with disability rather than focus on how they can be supported to fit into the existing workplace. There's also a need to counter the belief that the concept of merit-based assessment already exists. Only when an organisation has taken seriously the value of diversity, and combined it with an inclusive culture and a comprehensive set of safeguards, will trust grow and all employees have the chance to realise their full potential.

Meredith Edwards is an emeritus professor at the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra, where Carmel McGregor is an adjunct professor and Mark Evans is director and professor of governance. Penney Upton is an associate professor at the university's Health Research Institute. Their audit report will be launched 9am, November 24, at Old Parliament House. Registration:
