ACT News

Canberra psychics busy with 2017 outlook

Everyone from public servants to teenagers are flocking to Canberra's psychics for guidance and reassurance about the year ahead.

Work and relationships top the list of worries of people visiting Suzy Cherub's Pearce practice.

International Psychic of the Year Suzy Cherub. Photo: Jamila Toderas

Ms Cherub - a former public servant herself - said many were also keen to communicate with their loved ones beyond the grave.

"The main thing people come for is relationship stuff. They're normally asking am I going to find my ideal life partner, so it's quite often about love and relationships, but this time of year it's pretty much everything," she said.

"The reason for [the popularity of mediumship] is Christmas is a difficult period for a lot of people, so perhaps they missed their father or their mother or their partner or their child, even a pet."

Tuggeranong clairvoyant and clairaudient Natalee Finn's psychic healings are booked into March. Her clients were focused on love, too.

"It's one of the busier times - the middle of the year is quite busy as well," she said.

"They're wanting to have an outlook as to what's coming up in 2017 and how people can best shape their life to go into those experiences.

"A lot of readings in 2017 have also been about relationships as well and where are they going."

Each psychic said they were seeing a wide range of people. Ms Cherub said the ages of her clients ranged from 14-year-olds visiting with their parents' blessing to 80-year-olds.

More and more men were visiting, she said, with the new year heralding a new wave of curious clients. She counted accountants looking for business guidance among her repeat customers.

"The new people that come are often very discerning and a little bit skeptical, and I think that's healthy so I have a healthy respect for that - it keeps me on my toes," Ms Cherub said.

"You'd be surprised who comes and sees me. Sometimes they are very analytical, intelligent people who don't trust in their own intuition perhaps."

Ms Finn said 2017 represented a "one year" in numerology, symbolising new beginnings.

"It's a great time to focus on setting goals and having the courage to live your life purpose and passion," she said.