Emir of Kuwait dissolves parliament - News from Al Jazeera    var _sf_startpt=(new Date()).getTime()                                  {"URL": $("meta[property='og:internalurl']").attr('content').toString() ,"enabledProviders":"*"}     window.rsConf = {settings: {hlicon: 'iconoff'}};           (function(e,a){if(!a.__SV){var b=window;try{var c,l,i,j=b.location,g=j.hash;c=function(a,b){return(l=a.match(RegExp(b+"=([^&]*)")))?l[1]:null};g&&c(g,"state")&&(i=JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(c(g,"state"))),"mpeditor"===i.action&&(b.sessionStorage.setItem("_mpcehash",g),history.replaceState(i.desiredHash||"",e.title,j.pathname+j.search)))}catch(m){}var k,h;window.mixpanel=a;a._i=[];a.init=function(b,c,f){function e(b,a){var c=a.split(".");2==c.length&&(b=b[c[0]],a=c[1]);b[a]=function(){b.push([a].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)))}}var d=a;"undefined"!==typeof f?d=a[f]=[]:f="mixpanel";d.people=d.people||[];d.toString=function(b){var a="mixpanel";"mixpanel"!==f&&(a+="."+f);b||(a+=" (stub)");return a};d.people.toString=function(){return d.toString(1)+".people (stub)"};k="disable time_event track track_pageview track_links track_forms register register_once alias unregister identify name_tag set_config reset people.set people.set_once people.increment people.append people.union people.track_charge people.clear_charges people.delete_user".split(" "); for(h=0;h       #main-story p.meta { display: block!important; margin-bottom:-20px!important; } #main-story p.meta time { display: none; } #main-story p.meta, #main-story p.meta span { color: #fff!important; } #main-story p span.oryx-heading-profile:before { content: "By ";color: #000; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ #main-story p.meta { margin-bottom:0px!important; }}                    Created with Sketch.             Watch Live                          Now Playing   Watch        Listen    TV Schedule        Live   submit          al jazeera menu      submit   NewsMore   Middle East Africa Asia US & Canada     Latin America Europe Asia Pacific     Middle East DocumentariesMore   Featured Documentaries Witness Al Jazeera World 101 East     People & Power Fault Lines Rebel Education Latin America Investigates REWIND All     ShowsMore   Inside Story The Stream The Listening Post Talk to Al Jazeera     Counting the Cost UpFront earthrise Empire All     Investigations Opinion MoreMore   Features In Pictures Interactive Interactive Documentaries     AJ Shorts Reporter's Notebook Podcasts Human Rights Sport Science & Technology Weather        Now: Somalia Donald Trump Racism Israeli–Palestinian conflict Syria's Civil War         Most Searched

                 body : Layout 27 : Cell 1NewsKuwaitEmir of Kuwait dissolves parliament   The move, announced on state media after an emergency government meeting, sets the stage for early elections. 16 Oct 2016 12:45 GMT Kuwait, Politics, Middle East

 The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, has issued a decree to dissolve the country's parliament, setting the stage for an early election.

 The official KUNA state news agency made the announcement on Sunday after an emergency government meeting.

 The move came less than 24 hours after parliament speaker Marzouk al-Ghanem called for snap elections in the face of security and economic challenges.

 According to the constitution, elections should take place within two months following the dissolvement of parliament.

 Kuwait, a major oil producer, held its last parliamentary election in 2013. 

 More to follow.

Source: Al Jazeera News And News Agencies

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