Why grenache might be better than shiraz as an Australian classic

Grenache is such an interesting variety to play with in the vineyard, says viticulturist Toby Bekkers.
Grenache is such an interesting variety to play with in the vineyard, says viticulturist Toby Bekkers. Supplied
by Max Allen

Let's kick off the new year with a little heresy, shall we?

I would like to suggest that Australia's most famous red wine grape, shiraz, might not in fact be the best variety for many of our most famous warmer-climate wine regions such as the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale. I would like to suggest that if you want a grape variety that most faithfully expresses terroir – that captures the unique combination of country, climate and culture in a glass – then in many cases, in many places, grenache might be a better option.

It's a big claim, I know. And I'm shamelessly trying to stir the possum when I make it. But the more I taste the best grenaches and grenache blends from top producers in these and other warm regions, the more I think I might actually believe my own hype.

Take, for example, the extraordinary McLaren Vale grenache produced by Toby and Emmanuelle Bekkers (the latest, 2015, vintage reviewed below). This formidable power couple (he is one of the region's top viticulturists, she's one of the best winemakers) launched their own, eponymous label a couple of years ago with a boldly priced, $110 shiraz, and followed that by opening an ambitiously upmarket, stylish glass-walled tasting room on Seaview Road in the north of the region, ruffling a few locals' feathers by charging a $10 tasting fee.

But for me what sets the Bekkers project apart is the couple's serious respect for – and attention to detail applied to – grenache.

"It's such an interesting variety to play with in the vineyard," says Toby Bekkers. "It's so much more reactive to the differences in vineyard site and vintage conditions than shiraz, and it carries those differences into the wine so well. Shiraz is easy and predictable in comparison."

When Bekkers talks about how he and Emmanuelle crafted their exceptional wine (in rented space at Yangarra winery, another source of brilliant McLaren Vale grenache), it's like listening to an artist talking about colours on a palette or a musician talking about the layers of a composition.

"The wine was made from grenache grown in three very different vineyards," he says. "One parcel came from the flats: alluvial more clay, 1930s bush vines, producing more masculine, dense flavours. One parcel was on sand, halfway elevated, the mid-point of the Vale, with medium-weight fruit. And one parcel was from up at Blewitt Springs: light, aromatic, fragrant, pomegranate characters. The trick was to have lots of options so we kept each batch separate and fine-tuned through blending before bottling.

"The real tightrope we have to walk is how to make the wine approachable and fresh when you release it, but also with enough stuffing to age for 20 years in the cellar."

Another champion of the grape is Barossa-based Craig Isbel, winemaker at Torbreck and a partner in Izway Wines, both sources of some of that region's best grenaches and grenache blends. A couple of years ago, Isbel also started playing with some grenache grapes grown on a one-hectare vineyard at Seppeltsfield in the west of the Barossa to produce wines with his wife, Kathryn, under a new label, Agathist. The result (also reviewed below) is a beautifully refined and characterful expression of the grape.

"I love grenache," says Isbel. "There's a real brightness and purity of fruit to it and it shows the sub-regionality of the Barossa (the differences of each vineyard in each distinct area of the region) really well. Possibly better than shiraz ... I love the tannin quality of grenache, too. There's a beautiful juiciness to the tannins that copes with its riper flavour profile."

If you're an old(ish) fogey like me, someone who's been in the wine game for a quarter of a century, you'll remember a time, not that long ago it seems, when Australian grenache was dismissed as a second-rate or even third-rate variety – when it was seen as fit for nothing but cheap cask red and tawny "port"; too lowly to be crafted into a "fine wine" (to be read in a posh English accent, complete with air quotes).

So to hear grenache being revered as a truly fine warm-climate wine in the way that Bekkers and Isbel do is incredibly refreshing. And not a little heretical.

Max Allen is the new wine and drinks columnist for The Australian Financial Review. He is also wine editor for Australian Gourmet Traveller and correspondent for jancisrobinson.com. He was wine columnist for The Australian for many years, and has also written about wine for The Age Epicure and international publications. He is an award-winning author, presenter and lecturer. This is his first column for Life & Leisure.


What I'm drinking: three gorgeous grenaches

2015 Agathist Alchemy First Wine [Barossa Valley, South Australia]

This moderately alcoholic (13.6 per cent – "moderate" by Oz grenache standards), attractively priced grenache is stunning: low-fi, minimal intervention winemaking and some whole-bunch fermentation help give the wine a lovely translucent brightness. Pale in colour, redolent of rose petals and woody spice, it's slinky and slippery on the tongue but finishes with a refreshing rasp.

Available at eastendcellars.com.au in Adelaide; distributed by douglaslambwines.com.au. $29

2013 Les Clos Perdus Prioundo [Corbières, France]

For the past decade or so Australian ex-dancer Paul Old has been making wine in the south of France from "les clos perdus" – neglected plots of old vines in the hills of Languedoc and Roussillon. This is very pretty grenache (blended with a splash of the fragrant red cinsault grape) of the highest order: lifted flavours of raspberry and vanilla balanced by a dark Campari-like tang.

Imported by dcwineco.com.au. $45

2015 Bekkers Grenache [McLaren Vale, South Australia]

One of the most outstanding wines of the thousands I tasted last year: superb, earthy, macerated red and black fruits, perfectly poised, wrapped up in firm, lip-smacking tannin and a deep, umami-rich savoury quality. Intensely flavoured but not heavy: the wine carries its 15 per cent alcohol effortlessly, and will, I suspect, develop beautifully in the cellar for many years.

Available direct from bekkerswine.com. $80

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