How Destin Sparks created his own dream job (with no qualifications or experience)

Destin Sparks didn’t own a camera until he was 24
Destin Sparks didn’t own a camera until he was 24 Photo: supplied by Destin Sparks

When Destin Sparks started working behind the counter of a Brisbane camera store, he didn’t know a lens from a lemon and he wasn’t interested.

But, in just four years, the 28-year-old has managed to create a business as a landscape photographer, travelling to some of Queensland’s most beautiful natural locations and earning up to $200,000 a year.

That is a lot more than your average sales assistant.

Sparks didn’t own a camera until he was 24 (he did not even take snapshots on his mobile phone) and – this is where he really gets lucky – he is self-taught.

‘Naturality’ (Natural Bridge, Springbrook, Queensland) by Destin Sparks
‘Naturality’ (Natural Bridge, Springbrook, Queensland) by Destin Sparks AFR

A few years ago, Sparks was the odd man out, working at Camera House store in ­Brisbane with a bunch of workmates who were working towards careers as professional photographers.

“It wasn’t till they started going out together to photograph things together and I started feeling a bit left out," he says.

“They were uploading photos on websites and getting lots of feedback and I got a little bit jealous."

After a snarky comment about one of his workmate’s photos, Sparks was challenged to see if he could do better.

He bought his first camera, a reasonably good one (Canon 40d) and started playing around with it at home.

He remembers the moment, some months later, when he realised that he had found a hobby that really interested him.

He was taking photos at the Kangaroo Point cliffs in Brisbane and, fiddling with the settings, and took a picture good enough to show his workmates.

“They were sort of surprised by the shot," he says.

After eight months of playing around with the camera in his spare time, Sparks bluffed his way into a job as a real estate ­photographer.

“They were asking for someone who had four or five years’ experience and I said, ‘Yeah, yeah, no worries,’" he says.

Sparks stayed for 12 months and then left after a personality clash with his boss.

As a stop gap, he decided to set up on his own.

“I hadn’t thought about [being my own boss] previously and it wasn’t going to happen without a push. I was ready to do anything to get out of there," he says.

Sparks photographed Brisbane houses for a while and it took him only half a year before he was self-supporting, with his mother helping to pay the rent and the bills.

Redirecting towards his true passion

It didn’t take long before he decided his heart wasn’t in it. He had to “close up shop" and take a risk if he was going to try to make a living as a landscape photographer.

Now he has found a market to sell his ­photographs through his website to tourists who want reminders of their visits, as well as companies and publishers who want stock images.

Most of his customers find him through a Google search – which leads to Spark’s ­greatest stumble.

In an effort to try to boost his visibility, he signed a 12-month contract with a search engine optimisation (SEO) company, but then discovered that many of the things they were doing were penalising him under the search algorithms.

The exercise cost him $10,000 and he is now going to court to try to recover his money. It was a rare mis-step in his young business: “I am actually pretty fortunate. I haven’t had to learn anything too much the hard way," he says.

Sparks is a sole trader, but his plans for the future may include employing an assistant to help him on shoots and to handle emails and administration back at the office. This may free him up to do more of the creative stuff he loves.

“I don’t always go out of the office to take photographs every week," he says.

He would also like to open a gallery, travel and buy a couple of investment properties.

“To be honest, future plans are a bit elusive. I am a photographer first and business person last," he says. “Money is probably not a massive driving force for me."

Sparks has been inspired to try to create the life he wants by listening to inspirational audiobooks such as Tim Ferris’s Four-Hour Workweek, which preaches finding a ­lucrative niche and outsourcing the drudge work so that entrepreneurs can cut back their work time to the high-value tasks and spend more of their hours enjoying life.

He’s not there yet. His lifestyle is still mostly work – getting up for sunrise shots, lots of driving and flying – but when he travels, he makes sure he also treats it like a bit of a holiday.

Because he doesn’t have a boss or family responsibilities, and his work is self-generated (rather than commissioned), he has a lot of freedom. But he is considering getting some sort of income protection insurance in case he is unable to work because of illness or injury.

“I am really doing it for my passion and I’m not really worried about sales," he says.

Putting you in the picture

1. Don’t invest in something you don’t understand

Sparks fell into a trap when he signed up with a search engine optimisation company because he didn’t know enough about the process. “I needed to research things a bit more. [With Google visibility] there’s no easy option . . . I just try to provide good content".

2. The safe bet isn’t always right for you

When he left school, Sparks thought he would work in the burgeoning computer industry. Instead, he followed his interests into a very crowded and often poorly remunerated field – yet made a quick success of it.

3. Try something new

If you don’t know what makes your heart sing, keep seeking out new experiences and you might find your thing. “The only way to find out is trial and error," Sparks says.

4. Give something away

He gives some images for free to computer wallpaper providers to increase his visibility, and some users have tracked him down to buy images.

5. Find another potential revenue source

Sparks is now teaching photography on a volunteer basis, but this could be turned into another arm of the business further down the track.