Exchange trade funds to over take listed investment companies by 2018

ETFs are perceived by some as being more nimble and responsive than listed investment companies.
ETFs are perceived by some as being more nimble and responsive than listed investment companies. James Davies

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are poised to overtake listed investment companies as the most popular pooled investment option on the ASX within two years if current trends persist.

ASX data for November shows that the value of ETFs rose by 17 per cent to $24.5 billion, while the value of listed investment companies rose just 2.3 per cent to $30.5 billion.

Experts point to the increasing sophistication of investors, regulatory change, growing numbers of ETF strategies available at low cost and the rise of the self-managed super fund as among the key forces driving ETF fund flows.

Listed investment companies, which have a long history of performing for retail funds, charge comparatively higher fees and can trade at a premium or a discount to underlying value, which can be frustrating for investors.

Australian ETF specialist BetaShares has been one of the key beneficiaries of this trend. Established in 2009 as a provider of exchange traded funds, BetaShares has grown to manage more than $3 billion in a short period of time.

It is the fourth largest Australian ETF provider behind global funds management giants BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

Ilan Israelstam, head of strategy and marketing at BetaShares, says that although firm has benefited from a huge surge of interest in ETFs the firm has deliberately tried to avoid duplicating some of the more popular ETF strategies.

"We are not trying to compete head to head with Vanguard or Blackrock. We are are plugging gaps or creating new strategies. A lot of the things we do are things that are very difficult for individual investors to do," Mr Israelstam said.

"Take our short strategy. Our bear fund was the first time an individual investor could really go about shorting the market if they had a strong view. It's about democratising strategies that were once only available to a select few."

'Not even close to the peak'

Over the past 12 months there were more trades in BetaShares ETFs than in the ETFs of any other provider, with 22,602 transactions made to November 30.

Two of the top five ETFs traded by value were also issued by BetaShares, The BetaShares Australia Strong Bear ETF and the BetaShares Australian High Interest Cash ETF.

They accounted for 29 per cent of almost one third of all ETFs traded during the year.

Mr Israelstam is optimistic about the prospects for future growth, despite the growth of ETP funds under management slowing from 48 per cent in the previous corresponding period to 17 per cent for the year ending November 30.

"We are not even close to the peak. The percentage of ETFs trades in the US is about 30 per cent. That's one in every three trades. At the moment in Australia we are running at around 0.5 to 1 per cent. There is so much room to grow."

He does not however expect to see a proliferation of twice and three times geared ETFs such as those that trade on overseas exchanges but rather that the future is in actively managed ETFs which have only recently begun to get traction in Australia.