Financial success more about the everyday details

Superstar footballer Lionel Messi.
Superstar footballer Lionel Messi. AP
by Catherine Robson

There has been much recent coverage of superstar footballer Lionel Messi.

Not only are his on-field performances remarkable, but he has had the stunning ignominy of being convicted, with his father, of tax fraud.

While it's fascinating to ponder what would possess a man who earns more per year than almost anyone on the planet to avoid paying tax, there is a broader point for all our personal financial lives.

Professional sportsmen turned academics David Sally and Chris Anderson have written an excellent exploration of football, The Numbers Game. Based on thousands of data points, they find that when it comes to winning games, saving a goal is more important than scoring one.

They have also discovered if you have a finite amount of money and want to be a serious championship contender, it is far better to improve your worst player than buy a superstar like Messi.

This is the case because soccer is a leak link game – meaning that you are only as good as your weakest player. Not all sports are like this, but Leicester City FC's highly improbable Premier League victory and Iceland's historic win over England at UEFA EURO are demonstrations that in soccer, a champion team can beat a team of champions.

Personal financial management is also a weak link endeavour.

It's much more important to consistently not lose money, than to have erratic big wins. Most of us are naturally attracted to strong-link activities – such as shooting for a big bonus at work or searching for the illusive investment tenbagger.

Weak links

We often seek financial advice to help with these more glamorous aspects of finance, and can be disappointed when our chosen adviser focuses on more prosaic matters.

But this is because good advisers understand that saving their clients' money and helping them avoid financial "own goals" will be many times more valuable than trying to accurately time markets or make a killing on a single investment.

One of the key "weak links" that we often avoid is insurance. Most of us suffer from optimism bias so (notwithstanding our actual circumstances) we rate ourselves as less likely to experience negative events than the average.

It's great to think positively, but numerous studies have illustrated that we are terrible at accurately predicting the real risk of most negative events – ranging from the likelihood of being a victim of crime or contracting cancer to being injured while bungee jumping.

That is one of the reasons why insurance always seems expensive. Our intuitive response is to believe that we don't really need it as the risks it protects against are things that will happen to someone else, not us.

This is where the power of a trusted adviser really resides, particularly one who works on a fee for advice rather than a commission basis. It's in helping us understand and avoid our natural biases towards areas which confer limited benefit, and instead focus our money and energy on things that will provide genuine financial security.

This certainly does not mean that if you have good insurances in place you can forget about saving money or investing astutely.

But it does mean looking at your financial affairs as a whole and being prompted to attend not only to the interesting marque areas (like property development or technology investing) but also the mundane and the tedious, like regular saving strategies and risk management.

Perhaps if Lionel and father Jorge Horácio had taken better advice on the management of the details, they could both have been enjoying the beautiful game on the field, rather than worrying about the drama off it.

Catherine Robson is a financial planner with Affinity Private. Twitter: @CatherineAtAff.

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