Your guide to shares in 2017: technology, healthcare, resources

Simon Letch

The Australian sharemarket heads into 2017 in a bullish mood, lifted by a wave of earnings upgrades for miners and growing comfort around the outlook for the big four bank stocks.

After the market euphoria prompted by the election of Donald Trump in November and rising inflation expectations, the S&P;/ASX 200 index finishes 2016 around the 5600 points level and puts the 6000 target in play over the next 12 months.

Several dominant investment themes have started unwinding. Fund managers have exhausted their underweight positions in the banks and are taking a more benign view of the sector's dividend and capital risks. The sell off in the bond market has hurt the bond-proxy sectors of property and infrastructure, ending a yield bubble that endured longer than most value investors thought possible.

The high-flying growth darlings and small caps have been sold as interest shifts to out-of-favour industrials stocks.

Tech and telecommunication stocks with strong recurring revenue and growth prospects is where the money will be in 2017.
Tech and telecommunication stocks with strong recurring revenue and growth prospects is where the money will be in 2017.

Credit Suisse equity strategist Hasan Tevfik says 2016 will be recalled as a turning point when much of the themes that started gaining traction will extend into 2017. The biggest of those is the rise in bond yields, taking the Australian 10-year government bond to 2.87 per cent. The cash rate is at a record low 1.5 per cent after two rate cuts in 2016.

"You haven't seen a structural increase in bond yields for 35 years. That's the one that really stands out," he says.

"It is unusual you've got these three turning points happening at the same time," Tevfik says, referring to the "bondcano" bear conditions for the market darlings and the end of the profits recession. "At some point we think rising bond yields will reflect a recovery in the global economy, and that should be positive for profits."

Technology group Aconex and infant foods producer Bellamy's Australia experienced a turn in fortunes late in 2016 for different reasons. Aconex was a sensational float that has lately attracted the interest of short-sellers and Bellamy's shares are suspended until January after China import restrictions left management with stockpiles of unsold formula.

"We're after midnight on the market darling trade," Tevfik says, observing some parallels with the tech wreck of 2000. "They've started to de-rate and there's more to go."

One thing is certain, people will still be getting sick, especially as Baby Boomers move into their twilight years.
One thing is certain, people will still be getting sick, especially as Baby Boomers move into their twilight years. Peter Braig

The deleveraging in the banks has brought down returns on equity, which is significant because it means the hit to profitability has come before the peak in housing, not after. Tevfik believes there is "not enough to get too excited about" in banks. "But if we do see a sharp downturn in housing, the fall in RoE isn't going to be as painful because the banks are prepared for it. They'll provide a reasonable yield but little else."


Tech and telecommunication stocks with strong recurring revenue and growth prospects is where the money will be in 2017. Analysts say the changing climate in investment markets is likely to put pressure on tech stocks and result in lower valuations.

They predict the continuation of a trend that started in 2016, where investors became more critical of high valuations and price to earnings ratios thanks to global uncertainty surrounding Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, plus rising interest rates in the later part of the year.

Many commodities smashed market expectations in 2016.
Many commodities smashed market expectations in 2016. Rob Homer

Victor Gomes, UBS co-portfolio manager for the Australian small companies team, says tech stock performances in 2016 has beena "mixed bag", with some starting to show signs of "wear and tear".

"It's reflective of the whole reflation and co-ordinated global quantitative easing starting to wane a bit, particularly with Brexit and now Trump," he adds. "There's been a recognition from policy makers that they need to move toward fiscal policy, putting pressure on interest rates, which puts pressure on tech stocks overall and results in lower valuations because many of them are trading on high PE ratios."

Gomes' top technology stock picks for 2017 are TechnologyOne, WiseTech Global and NextDC.

"As with all investors in small companies, a lot of what I do is judging the management teams so that I have confidence that we're all in the same boat. If they have a lot of stock, that's a good place to start," he says.

"In the tech space we look for companies with recurring earnings and growth, so you put TechnologyOne into that space, WiseTech is an earlier stage business for us as it hasn't been listed long, but it has a strong inorganic growth profile and a low risk acquisition strategy, and the management and founders are aligned with us."

"NEXTDC is another one I like. It's capital intensive to build data centres, but if you believe in software-as-a-service and cloud-based solutions, it's going to exceed everyone's expectations."

Other tech stocks tipped to perform well are Superloop, Integrated Research and 4DS Memory. Analysts also tip Catapult Sports and Aconex as two stocks with the potential to bounce back from share price falls in 2016.

RBC Capital Markets equity research vice-president Paul Mason says Aconex has suffered in the past few months because its full-year results fell within guidance for the first time, rather than exceeding predictions, and then the co-founders Leigh Jasper and Robert Phillpot reduced their stakes in the firm.

"At the same time, the market was asking some questions about Aconex's accounting and how its cashflow and revenue is reconciled, and shorters have asked if they've used rebates to increase the size of their revenue numbers," says Mason. "I don't think those issues are real for the firm. But for Aconex to see a rally in the stock, it would need to announce another marquee deal."

For the first nine months of 2016, NEXTDC performed strongly, rising from around $2.30 to $4.46 at its peak. But in the past few months the stock has slipped to under $3.

And unlike Gomes, TMT analytics managing director Marc Kennis believes the company will face overcapacity headwinds in the data centre industry.

"I'm not a fan of NEXTDC. While the market is not in oversupply today, I think it will be," he adds.

Kennis believes the telco sector will struggle in 2017. "Looking at the last part of 2016, we've seen a rotation in tech stocks and we've seen telco companies hit hard as some NBN news has filtered in. In my view, it's becoming obvious that telcos in general need to speed up new avenues of revenue because it will become tough to maintain their legacy businesses."

Yolanda Redrup


The bull run in healthcare is over and some market watchers say the rotation out these stocks could last another six months.

After many years of outperformance, the health sector struggled in the latter half of 2016, particularly since the US presidential election. Investors who had been willing to pay high multiples for the safe growth of health companies are now looking to more risky stocks.

While the ageing demographic and the associated lift in demand for health services remains, funding pressure is a key concern.

The Department of Health is also awash with planned changes, such as those for the Medicare Benefits Scheme and pathology collection centre rents, providing a backdrop of instability.

Growth in GPs and diagnostic imaging are below trend, hurting stocks like Sonic Healthcare and Primary Health Care.

The rising cost of healthcare has been front of mind in 2016, and will carry over to 2017. The focus will be on insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses. Fewer people are going to the doctor because they are worried about the cost.

This became a more acute concern for investors as demand for private health insurance faltered, with the drop attributed to patients deferring, downgrading or dropping cover, increasing the burden on the public hospital system.The cost of the inching cost of premiums is outpacing inflation.

Private hospital operator Healthscope reported a much weaker than expected start to fiscal 2017 due to a "horrendous" September. Some investors expressed concerns about a share sale by chief executive Robert Cooke before a downgrade in earnings.

JP Morgan analyst David Low said: "It will take some time to rebuild management credibility in light of the much weaker than expected start to the year. I think the hospitals business and portfolio is sound and I am doubtful there are any long-term legacy issues from the previous private equity owners."

One thing is certain, people will still be getting sick, especially as Baby Boomers move into their twilight years. It is unlikely there will be a mass migration away from private cover given tax penalties and the value of private cover for the elderly.

Low has a "buy" on Healthscope and rival Ramsay.

The unexpected election of Donald Trump as the next US president has added a level of uncertainty for Australian health companies with large US sales. It could be positive for rubber glove and condom maker Ansell if Trump delivers on economic growth, particularly if this includes a boost to manufacturing. ResMed may also benefit from his choice for Health and Human Services secretary as Tom Price has been supportive of the durable medical equipment industry.

CSL has had a fall from grace, with the stock tumbling from a high of $120 in late July to $95 per share. There are worries over competitive challenges to CSL in hemophilia, immunoglobulins and specialty therapies.

President-elect Trump's comments about pharmaceutical pricing have spooked investors, creating more headaches for the blood plasma group. While the core plasma unit is likely going well, the flu business is in turnaround mode. CSL has promised to get it to break even by fiscal 2018.

Carrie LaFrenz


After a stellar 2016, in which many commodities smashed market expectations, there are strong indications the positive momentum will continue in 2017.

While 2016 was the year of the bulks (such as iron ore, metallurgical coal and thermal coal) which recorded unanticipated, China-driven price rallies, analysts expect it will be metals that exhibit the most lustre in 2017.

"On a cyclical basis, we have had an upcycle since the beginning of this year," UBS commodities analyst Daniel Morgan says.

"Our view would be the upcycle continues into 2017 and mining companies continue to make really good margins and cash but we are more overtly bullish on base metals. Base metals are later-cycle so they are more exposed to the fit-out of properties rather than the construction of them."

UBS is most bullish on copper, pegging a $US3 per pound average price for the year, and remains optimistic on nickel with a $US5.60 per pound forecast.

This bodes particularly well for local miners with growth plans. South Australian copper miner OZ Minerals is set to deliver a final feasibility study on its Carrapateena project in early 2017. In nickel, Independence Group's exposure to the metal is gradually increasing as it ramps up its new Nova mine.

Zinc, which has been one of the best performing commodities this year, is also tipped by many analysts to continue its ascent in 2017.

On the flip side, the market consensus for iron ore and coal is that current prices have soared beyond what is realistically sustainable, with the Chinese policy changes that have boosted prices difficult to bank on in the longer term.

RBC Capital Markets mining analyst Paul Hissey says 2016 has been characterised by "positioning, trading and money flows" driving prices rather than fundamentals, which has created, and will continue to create, a great deal of volatility.

"Most the stocks, other than gold stocks, seem to be pricing in commodities where they are today – not just for this coming year but for a couple of years," he says.

"If we overlay that with what we were saying is increased volatility in prices… that means the ride is going to be bumpy for equities as well."

Hissey's exception is the Australian gold sector, which has taken a hammering since the gold price began sliding at the beginning of October.

RBC's top picks in the gold space are Evolution Mining, OceanaGold and Saracen Mineral Holdings.

"I feel like people are pricing in the worst-case scenario for the gold stocks and that is probably overshooting too far to the downside," Hissey says.

"The sector is in excellent health with virtually no debt, two or three years of successful cost-cutting and plenty of money being spent on exploration, which I think is going to yield results over the next 12 months."

But if we learnt anything from 2016 it is to expect the unexpected.

Tess Ingram

You guide to shares 2017: