Rupert Murdoch, Malcolm Turnbull to break bread at Kirribilli House

Come on in, try the parfait! The PM awaits visitors at Kirribilli.
Come on in, try the parfait! The PM awaits visitors at Kirribilli. Brook Mitchell

Many a chairman and chief executive feared a falling from grace as November and then December began elapsing with no sign of a summons to the Prime Minister's Christmas party. Some big name bizoids really made their indignance known. It's an industrialist's right, after all – part of the basic package – to be received by a grateful ruler. And we thought the pollies had an entitlement problem…

They needn't have feared – at least most of them, anyway – with Malcolm Turnbull throwing open the gates of Kirribilli House on Saturday afternoon. Having entertained Coalition colleagues, the Canberra Press Gallery and the top military, bureaucratic and arts officials on three separate evenings at The Lodge right before Santa came, and then another batch of stakeholders and friends at Kirribilli on New Year's Eve, the Turnbulls decided they'd move this soiree to January. As much as he'd like, the PM isn't likely to make a tradition of it – by January 2018 the party room will have thanked him for his service then moved him to the backbench seat next to Tony Abbott (and Kevin Andrews) and/or Sydney Harbour will be drier than the Aral Sea, rendering the official residence's vista terrifyingly dystopian.

While the usual laundry list of bank bosses and resources Rich Listers will line the historic patio tomorrow arvo, sweating stubbies in hand, the plight of working families worn heavily on their brows, it's the presence of a media mogul that'll lend the reception a certain je ne sais quoi! Yup, the Sun King himself, Rupert Murdoch, and his live-in carer Jerry Hall, are down to attend. KRM's Gulfstream 650 is expected on the tarmac at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport on Friday.

Rupes will no doubt be checking in on the troops next week, just like the Grosse Frau of Park Street, Yvonne Bauer, who has similarly made the trek to inspect her big Antipodean venture, Bauer Media Australia. She took her publishers to dinner in Sydney on Wednesday night. With cover price and advertising revenue collapsing, leaving her 2012 investment ($525 million) looking tragic, we can't imagine there was too much champagne being popped.

In Sydney: Yvonne Bauer, chief executive of Bauer Media Group.
In Sydney: Yvonne Bauer, chief executive of Bauer Media Group. Supplied