What prospects for peace in Israel?

What prospects for peace in Israel?

Three Israel-related events since just before Christmas have been prominent in Australia's media. On December 23, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2334, with the United States abstaining rather than vetoing. It states "… the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace".

Newspaper columnist Greg Sheridan lambasted President Barack Obama, accusing the US of wrongfully treating the Israel-Palestine conflict as "the central issue in the Middle East". Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop have also strongly criticised the US, with Bishop saying Australia would have opposed the resolution had it been voting.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.Credit:AP

On January 4, an Israeli military court convicted Israeli soldier Elor Azariah, of manslaughter for the cold-blooded killing of Palestinian Abdul Fatah al-Sharif. The military judge said the killing was needless, the sole motive being that Azariah thought al-Sharif should die. While military leaders accepted the outcome as consistent with military law, Israeli political leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, called for Azariah to be pardoned. Noting that the case resulted from the public release of a video of the killing, Israeli human rights group B'TSelem stated "the fact that one soldier was convicted today does not exonerate the military law enforcement system from its routine whitewashing of cases in which security forces kill or injure Palestinians with no accountability".

On January 8, a truck driven by a Palestinian drove off-road into a group of Israeli cadets in Jerusalem, killing four and injuring 15. He was, unsurprisingly, shot at the scene and killed. In reprisal, his family was arrested, with reports their house in East Jerusalem will be demolished. Mr Netanyahu was quick to assert, without evidence, that these killings were linked to Islamic State.


The US has always held Israeli settlements to be "illegitimate" and inimical to peace, but Resolution 2334 is a first, with Obama breaking new ground by refusing to veto it. To its shame, the Australian government objected, isolating itself from the longstanding position of the vast majority of the international community, the International Court of Justice, and all but a few disreputable or (in Israel's case) self-serving legal opinions.

If it were the true friend of Israel it claims to be, our government would support Resolution 2334 as an essential step along the way to the just and lasting peace that is in Israel's and Palestine's best interests. Sheridan's opinion should be ridiculed for the rubbish it is. US Middle East policy (whatever its merits) is far more comprehensive than its attitude to Israeli settlements. Among other things, there's the $US38 billion it will give Israel over the next 10 years, which puts Australia's paltry $50 million a year to Palestine in perspective. Obama's decision on December 23 was a necessary "last chance" ahead of who knows what Donald Trump will try to do. At least Trump won't be able to "unmake" the resolution, though he may take steps to water down its implementation.

Of the other two events, Mr Netanyahu's reactions are unsurprising. Israel was wrong-footed by the video of Azariah's crime and the need to be seen to be doing something. But the story's not over. The media are predicting a light sentence, if not a pardon. Contrast this with Israel's excessive and internationally illegal treatment of children, which 49 federal politicians – though not one from the coalition – recently stated is "no way to treat a child".

Some of the Israelis who think Azariah has been victimised claimed there was a failure by the military to shoot the Palestinian truck driver quickly because Azariah's case has put the brakes on Israel's "shoot and then think" approach when dealing with perceived Palestinian misdemeanours.

Whether the shooting was delayed or not, these two contrasting events in January bring into stark relief the extent of Israeli political discrimination in Israel's attitudes to and treatment of Israeli crimes on one hand and Palestinian crimes on the other.

What more can be said? First, the Palestinian truck driver's actions were deplorable and must be condemned. Second, the Israeli military authorities' genuine response in the Azariah case, albeit video-initiated, may yet be sabotaged by political interference at the highest levels.

Third, the Turnbull government is so far off even the semblance of an even-handed, principled approach to this dreadful, seemingly never-ending conflict that it's impossible to see how Australia could contribute to a solution. One cannot but fear the rubbish our government will spout if and when Netanyahu visits in 2017. If he does come, those of us with other views need to turn out in numbers to demonstrate against the governments of both countries.

Dr Kevin Bray is the chairman of Australians for Justice and Peace in Palestine. He visited Israel and Palestine in 2004 and 2007.

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