
Queensland Health alcohol quiz prompts jokes from women on Facebook

Facebook users have mocked an online quiz designed to help people discover their relationship with alcohol.

The Queensland Health Facebook account shared the quiz with a photo of a smiling woman holding a glass of wine, looking at a young girl holding a pencil - presumably inferring she was a mum watching her child.

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A Queensland Health ad asking "what's your relationship with alcohol?" draws a mixture of responses on Facebook, including that alcohol "may just be the one".

The words "Can't wait for your evening drink?" and "Wine o'clock?" accompany the post. 

But a swag of cheeky ladies have mocked the campaign.

Kate Fuller wrote: "I wouldn't have to drink so much if the Queensland government did something to address this heat wave. What's the point of having a government if you can't change the weather? Why am I even paying tax if not for a giant airconditioning dome, like the one on The Simpsons but with an exit? **swigs more gin and tonic**"

Yaz Porter supported the idea of a giant airconditioned dome, considering this week's sustained hot weather, writing: "Now that's something I'd be willing for them to tax me for. Pass the shiraz."


Kate Lindemann said: "And help with homework and cooking dinner. We need something to cope, stupid government!"

Others took note of the image of a mum with a child, with Chelsea saying "I'm a mother of a teething six-month-old in a heatwave... I drink wine once he goes to bed to stop me from going homicidal..." and Niki saying, "I probably drink the normal amount for someone with four kids under the age of 9. Chin chin [a toast] to every mother out there!"

Catherine Edwards wrote: "The photo looks so happy, I think I'll start drinking wine, while chatting with my children, EVERY night!"

Queensland Health head of communications Robert Hoge said since the campaign launched late last year, more than 37,000 people had taken the quiz.

"Completing the quiz helps people think not just about how much they are drinking, but when, where and who they are drinking with," Mr Hoge said.

Mr Hoge said for many people, drinking was a part of daily life so every discussion about risky alcohol consumption was a good thing.

"Many people find they've got their priorities right and are a total boss at keeping their relationship with alcohol under control," he said.

"For those who identify their relationship could be improved, referrals are provided if they want to seek further advice or help."

Mr Hoge said every extra comment, like and share kept the message prominent in people's social feeds.

"We love people talking about our campaigns are are happy to hear feedback," he said.