Small Business

Why you can ditch the to-do list


Are you writing a to-do list before the end of the year?

The ubiquity of to-do lists makes sense. A famous list written by Benjamin Franklin expressed the attraction of lists as a way of dividing and conquering the tasks ahead of you.

However, business expert and co-founder of Basic Bananas Christo Hall believes the to-do list is an overused trap.

"The reality is while some tasks need to be written down for later, when a business owner can work without storing information in a to-do list and simply pass tasks on to a team or get them done on the spot they will have increasing effectiveness," he told Fairfax Media.

"If you don't have a team or time to do the task on the spot, then schedule a time to do it in your calendar, so you don't repetitively look over the same tasks."

Hall also warns that we can become obsessed by checking every item off.


"Another problem with most to-do lists is that they never go away, there are always too many tasks to complete, so often business owners never get time to see things from a broader view, which could be much more productive for their business, because their eyes are just on the next task on the list," he said.

Hall points out this wind-down period of the year is a great opportunity to get a jump start on competitors.

"We've seen business from many industries get a good jump on the new year by working on new marketing activities through this time. We've found it a good time to run promotions, because people are sitting around doing less and therefore more likely to read your email promotions," he said.

Hall says there is one key rule for dealing with tasks: Try to deal with them as few times as possible.

"Don't continually keep looking at it, so schedule a time to do the task, delegate the task or simply do the task (if the task will take less than three minutes, do it as soon as you see it).

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