
Steve Price and Christopher Pyne engage in slanging match on The Project

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It was a battle of the egos on Thursday night when a live cross on The Project turned into a slinging match between Christopher Pyne and Steve Price.

The Channel Ten panel was discussing the shock resignation of New South Wales Premier Mike Baird when Price took a swipe at the defence industry minister's moral fibre.

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'His shirt's the same colour as his fake tan'

Things heat up on The Project as panelist Steve Price and guest panelist Christopher Pyne get snappy. Courtesy The Project, 6.30pm weekdays on Ten

"The great thing about what he did today is, unlike most politicians, he put self-preservation to one side," Price said of Baird.

"He put ego to one side, and that's a lesson I think a lot of people - including the bloke on the end of your desk tonight - might learn," he added, referring to Pyne.

Pyne laughed off the thinly-veiled insult from the stony-faced 2GB radio host before returning serve with a comment about his orange polo shirt.

"Steve, it's remarkable to me that a guy whose shirt is the same colour as his fake tan is roasting me," the Liberal MP said.


The panel attempted to keep the focus on Baird's resignation and unnamed successor, but the segment had already descended into farce, with the two men wanting to talk only about each other.

"I'm surprised you can see me through those silly glasses," said Price, referring to the politician's signature black spectacles - which he wasn't wearing.

"He's not wearing the glasses!" a befuddled co-host Waleed Aly shouted from off camera.

As the two bickered with each other over Baird's policies, co-host Carrie Bickmore told the men they needed their own show.

"This is amazing," she said.

"Carrie, I've washed goldfish that look better than he does," quipped Pyne, prompting Price to stick the knife in.

"I'll give you a story about Christopher Pyne. He once confused me with [2UE radio host] Ray Hadley, so he know's a lot more about Adelaide than he does about Sydney."

After the segment ended, Aly quizzed the South Australian politician on his weird habit of washing fish.

"By the way, did you say you before you washed goldfish?" Aly asked to laughter from the audience.

"Flushed goldfish. Did I say washed?" Pyne corrected himself.

"You said washed."

"I still thought it was funny," added co-host and comedian Peter Helliar.

Despite being a hard-nosed Coalition frontbencher, Pyne regularly appears on The Project and had formed a strange bond with Helliar.

In June 2015, Pyne appeared in a special live cross just to wish Helliar a happy birthday and chastise him for not inviting him to his birthday party.