Daily Life


See you beside the seaside, but make sure you know the beach etiquette basics

Coming to a beach near you very soon, Wendy Squires with a definite view on the rules of engagement.

 As you read this, there is every chance I will resemble one of those swimmers who crosses the English Channel, only caked white with sunblock instead of heat-insulating grease.

I will be lying by a beach, sand in hair, salt on skin, and I will be deliriously happy. At least I hope I will be. It is no longer a given that the natural elements at play will be enough to guarantee my beach bliss, unfortunately.

The past few summers I have encountered some human interference that has hammered nails in my nirvana. And I would really like it to stop.

So please, take the following requests in the spirit of mutual enjoyment that is intended. That, or cop my death stare (and it ain't pretty).

• Please reconsider placing your towel directly beside mine when there is a large space of beach to be shared. A few feet of distance is polite; as far away as possible, a blessing.

• I am sun-sensitive. However, I am also view-sensitive. If you choose to erect a tent on the beach, please refrain from doing so in my direct line of sight.


• Who doesn't love music? I know I do. What's more, I have excellent taste when it comes to artists and musicians. Unfortunately, you may not. So, before you blast your doof (or worse, Coldplay!), please consider the serene sounds of waves crashing instead.

• There is nothing sweeter that seeing young children enjoying the beach. Yet, paradoxically, there is little more irritating than the noise of young children enjoying the beach. If the screeches can be kept to the shoreline it would be much appreciated.

• Everyone should enjoy the ocean regardless of shape or size. However, there are some swimming costume courtesies to be noted. For men, a g-string is a personal choice, but the sight of you bending over in said swimsuit as you rid your towel of sand is not. A strategically placed sarong can be a sartorial saviour. This also applies to women, despite the reduced likelihood of unsightly bum hair.

• If only I had learnt how to surf. I say it every year as I frolic between the fl ags in the designated swimming area, noting how much space surfers get in comparison. So please, with all that freedom, could you abstain from riding your fibreglass-finned lethal weapons where people are trying to swim?

• You, yeah, you, standing silently in knee-deep water. I know what you are up to and it is called polluting. Go and piss off, literally, and swim in a septic tank if you want to treat the ocean like one.

• And while we are in the waves, dear young men with energy to burn and brains seemingly on hiatus, please note that should you dive in to unknown depths head first, it's likely to result in a spinal injury and/or death for you and untold trauma for those who witness it.


• Sand – it's an amazing natural phenomenon. As is wind. Yet, when you put the two together as you rid your towel of the former, all wonder is lost. Downwind, please people. It just makes sense.

• The beach is a place of pristine beauty. Those who repay nature's spectacle by leaving rubbish do not deserve to be there. End of story. Show some respect. And while you're at it, grow the hell up.

• There is no better way to keep fit than to run in the sand and as such, games involving balls are a fun and healthy pastime. Please enjoy but also notice that if there are towels and/or people in your exercise arena, then you need to move that ball and those bats elsewhere. Pronto!

• Your skin, your life. Sunbake if you must but when you are already a red burgeoning blister, watching you baste yourself in oil like a rotisserie chook is most alarming. So, excuse me if I run up and spray you with factor-50. I see it as a public service, even if you see it as sabotage.

It's very simple. It's called mutual respect. See you seaside.