
Centrelink: Does the ruling class so resent social contract?

In his excellent analysis of the debt recovery debacle Peter Martin used the word "shakedown" to describe the scattergun approach being used to, apparently, scare people into paying debts they may not actually owe (Comment, 4/1). I have not received a letter. But I know, and have read countless reports on social media, of people who have: they are bewildered, scared and angry.

I do not know which to believe: that whoever developed this scheme is inept and made a colossal mistake, with many thousands of people adversely affected. Or that our government is undertaking an exercise akin to speculative invoicing in the hope of squeezing a lazy few million dollars out of people who can ill afford to pay. Neither prospect pleases. Do politicians really hold the social contract in such poor regard? Is the giving of welfare to those who really need it so resented by our ruling classes? This whole debacle has a corrosive effect on our faith in the state of governance in this country. 

 Meredith Lewis, Carnegie

Hanging on the telephone

A family member who receives modest support while completing an apprenticeship was recently locked out of the system and his payment withdrawn. The system had not recorded a previous mandatory report on his wages, for some reason. Centrelink does not allow for communication via email, so the issue can only be rectified via telephone. An automated message stated that due to an industrial dispute, he should ring back in the new year.  He hopes his bosses will be understanding as he spends the usual one to two hours on the phone waiting for someone to explain to him why Centrelink unilaterally withdrew its assistance. 

Peter McGill, Lancefield 

Too hard to lodge complaints

Social Services Minister Christian Porter has stated that there has only been 276 complaints about the debt letters. If so why is Centrelink looking to provide advanced customer aggression training to all staff to help them deal with the backlash? Perhaps the minister is bending (I think I heard something snap) the truth. I suspect that this is only the number of complaints lodged through Centrelink's customer relations unit with its multi-hour wait times. 


Kip Stratford, Golden Square

Legal principle transgressed

The debt recovery malfunction is a shameful disgrace. The onus of proof has been perversely tipped on its head, so that one's innocence must be proven after being damned guilty by a faulty computer data matching system. It is an appalling transgression from the foundational legal principle of being afforded the presumption of innocence. 

John Fitzsimmons, Mornington

Wealthy get off scot-free

Tens of thousands of Australia's poorest are sent "Please explain" notices and called welfare cheats by the minister because the government believes they may owe some money. Hundreds of millionaires and rich corporations pay no tax at all but that is OK because they can afford to pay accountants and lawyers to tell the government they don't need to pay anything. I am not sure this government understands how average Australians feel about this. 

Doug Steley, Heyfield

All vulnerable treated equally

And this government's even-handed approach has been confirmed. Whether you are a refugee or a citizen, all you have to be is vulnerable to get the same callous approach from a government instrumentality, the same dismissive response from the relevant minister and the same deafening silence from the Prime Minister. 

Ramesh Rajan, Camberwell


Seek sympathetic ear

I have recently seen the excellent and hard-hitting Ken Loach film I, Daniel Blake. Primarily, it concerns the struggles of a widowed middle-aged carpenter and a young single mother who meet at government offices in England when seeking welfare and income support. We watch people having to navigate an inordinate number of hurdles, including rigid staff and complex processes, as they desperately seek assistance and a sympathetic ear. It is very similar to the nightmarish experiences of many people seeking income support in this country. "Clients" could be forgiven for thinking Centrelink's primary function is to minimise the number of people receiving assistance. 

The film should be mandatory viewing for orientation and ongoing development activities for policy makers and staff of the federal Department of Human Services and job services agencies. Discussing issues raised would be beneficial for staff – most of whom try to do a good job in a difficult environment.

Francine McCabe, Northcote

Fair go for billionaires

A wealthy former federal treasurer on a sailing boat wearing KPMG-sponsored clothing spruiks tax give-aways for the rich ("Costello calls for personal tax cuts", 5/1). It looks like one of those parody advertisements for "Fair go for billionaires". The government would be better to collect more revenue and use it to pay aged-care workers, mental health specialists, alcohol and drug rehabilitation counsellors and hospital workers. These hard-working people not only deliver services that enrich society, but spend their wages and thus boost the economy. 

Giving away revenue to billionaires to buy foreign-made yachts has no such benefits. Good governments use tax revenue to improve society. Bad governments throw away tax revenue on wealthy people to buy luxuries they do not need. 

Mark Zirnsak, Tax Justice Network Australia

Do without 'wisdom'

Peter Costello again shares his "wisdom" on tax. Why would anyone pay heed to the views of the person who, as  treasurer, almost singlehandedly destroyed our tax base through irresponsible vote-buying tax changes?

Ross Hudson, Camberwell

So sayeth Coalition

 "Come unto me those who are poor and I will make you poorer. Come unto me those who are rich and I will make you richer." Testament according to the Coalition. 

Patricia Anderson, Airport West

Lead by example ...

Executives in a yacht race in the middle of the working week call for cuts to penalty rates ("Sundays not special any more", 5/1). You wouldn't read about it, except maybe in a George Orwell novel poking fun at the elites and how they treat the working class.

With annual salaries that dwarf what most workers will earn in decades, these CEOs arrogantly ask workers to give up penalty rates, which will only further marginalise those who do have to work "unsociable hours". When those CEOs have all finished having fun playing with their "boats", maybe they could come talk to the people who do work weekends and see how it affects their lives. 

While it can be argued that working on weekends is becoming more the norm, until these "leaders" push for larger reforms and also actually experience what weekend workers go through, penalty rates must stay.

Paul Bugeja, Brunswick

... and open weekends

How about we start with every business and industry opening up their offices on weekends; with parliament having to sit on weekends and schools operating on weekends? Try getting an accountant, solicitor, economist, public servant or a senior manager at an airline or insurance firm to work outside Monday to Friday hours. No luck. 

Politicians and executives need to lead by example. So let's see everyone, not just retail and hospitality workers, forced to work on Saturdays and Sundays before legislation is changed. 

Joe Gagliano, Brunswick

Footscray bears scars

Ceridwen Spark's observation that class is a factor in Footscray's troubles (Comment, 5/1) gets closer to the truth than Matt Holden's trivialising claim that hostility to hipsters is akin to Hansonite racism. But as a Footscray resident of some 30years' standing, I believe the causes run much deeper than "tribal" or class warfare. 

This tension is a mere symptom of broader economic inequality and failed taxation, investment and housing policies, in particular the neglect of social housing. In a vacuum of political will, individual and large-scale investors have done their worst and Footscray bears the scars. Let's keep our eyes on the real culprits and find the solutions through fair social and tax policy, not social division and violence.

Kim Webster, Footscray

Student of what?

On page 7 (The Age, 4/1) we read that a "fitness instructor" from England working as a stripper was accepted into Australia on a student visa. On the same page, we learned that a wanted Italian mafia figure with a drug conviction was also here on a student visa. How do student visas get to be given to people who are clearly not studying anything? 

John Abery, Warranwood

Bible trumps law?

New Zealanders, please ignore Roberts, Bishop and Abetz, who seem to believe the Bible trumps international law. Normal relations will resume as soon as we can fix our political system. Meanwhile, keep up the good work. 

Phil Bodel, Ocean Grove

Play fair, shooters 

If you want to know what governments are doing against the will of the people, look at what gets done during the holiday period. The state government has just announced a 2017 duck shooting season, despite the vast majority of Victorians (87 per cent, according to Roy Morgan Research, 2007) supporting a ban.

But it's not just the abhorrent killing for "fun" that Victorians should be wild about. It's the  misuse of their tax dollars to create an advisory body, the Game Management Authority, to legitimise the government's decisions; decisions that defy public opinion.

Last year the GMA advised the government to hold a duck shooting season despite the science and a number of stakeholders indicating the season should be cancelled. It is telling that the GMA has restricted access to the 2017 submissions of stakeholders. So much for transparency.

The native birds had a better chance when the season was managed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment. But shooters and some in government just don't like to play fair.

Kate Elliott, North Melbourne

City charm disappears

Apropos of the article about elms (Comment, 4/1) it was only when I saw a sign on the plane tree outside my office building in Collins Street that I took any notice of it. Four storeys high, the tree provides colour, life and shade in an increasingly concrete environment. It will soon be removed as the digital infrastructure underneath the pavement requires attention. According to Melbourne City Council, Telstra is unwilling to incur extra costs that would permit the tree to be retained. The charm of the CBD is disappearing fast as large companies reap temporary profits at the long-term expense of those of us who live and work in the city.

Jill Wilson, Footscray

Reuse and recycle

New Year's resolutions: never let a plastic bag reach the sea for fragments to be swallowed by sea-life. Never use a plastic bag once when something recyclable will do instead.

Valerie Yule, Mount Waverley

 Still feeding monster

In Australia "peak car" may be masked by population growth (The Age, 5/1), yet that's not the rule elsewhere.  Many cities in Europe and North America have seen declines not just in per-capita car use, but also overall, despite adding to their populations. The important lesson is that we should not regard worse traffic problems as an unavoidable consequence of population growth. To do so is to let our politicians and transport planning bureaucracies off the hook.  

The temptation is still to "feed the congestion monster" by adding to road capacity in established urban areas. Meanwhile, other cities recognise that the problem is a lack of competitive alternatives.  When non-car modes are valued and expanded, everyone's a winner.

Melbourne already has more lane-kilometres of roads per capita than other "most liveable cities".  Without similar attention to the quality of public transport networks, such as frequent suburban buses, that will continue to mean only that we have above-average traffic congestion. 

Tony Morton, Public Transport Users Association

Egg buyers' homework

It is terrific that people are willing to pay more for free-range eggs but consumers who do not have smart phones with the Choice app will not know whether the "free range" label on their eggs refers to 10,000 hens per hectare (the "accepted" definition) or the much happier hens laying eggs under the CSIRO definition of 1500 hens per hectare. Consumers will still need to do their homework to ensure they are buying eggs from farms where hens can go outdoors and exhibit their natural behaviours.

Jan Kendall, Hawthorn



The nation waits with bated breath for the decision of Cory Bernardi.

Malcolm McDonald, Burwood 

I agree, Rod Beecham (Letters, 5/1). Bernardi, Christensen and Abetz are the opposite of "conservatives" –  destructives. 

Colin Smith, St Kilda 

 "God doesn't think he's a doctor" (The Age, 4/1), but Senator Leyonhjelm et al have the gall to think they are climate scientists. 

Helen Moss, Croydon 

Senator Roberts should look to his own narrow views before criticising NZ, one of the most enlightened countries. 

Bob Greaves, Mt Eliza

I hope Mr Turnbull's New Year's resolution was to find some resolve. 

Joan Segrave, Healesville

"The party's over" say the sign along the Eastern Freeway. ScoMo's message for 2017? 

Hugh McCaig, Blackburn 

If the Coalition gave Victoria its fair share of infrastructure spending, how would it fund pork-barrel projects in the nation's marginal electorates?

George Darroch, Footscray

Other matters

Centrelink should provide free  aggression training to its clients who have to cope with aggressive (passive or not) staff. 

Brenda Richards, St Kilda 

Hopefully the Adani coal mine will be undermined.

Graham Cadd, Dromana

Regarding Harm Minimisation Week and your editorial (5/1). Here's a slogan that may help: Illicit drugs promise you heaven and give you hell. 

Bill Chandler, Ringwood 

Corowa is just living the conventional dream ("How's the serenity?", 5/1).

Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook, NSW 

Don't just save the "castle", clone more Darryls. There is a desperate need for them. 

Tris Raouf, Hadfield

Can tennis commentators show restraint and not declare that early-round losers have "crashed out" or been "bundled out". They simply lost. 

Roger Farrer, Hampton