Melbourne Cup 2016: Heartbreak City co-owner Aidan Shiels gives hilarious interview

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Melbourne Cup 2016: Heartbreak City co-owner Aidan Shiels gives hilarious interview

By Liam Mannix and Daniel Cherny

As his nag Heartbreak City crossed the Melbourne Cup finish line, owner Aidan Shiels officially lost his mind.

It's not quite clear what he was yelling – maybe "who won the Cup" – but calling the Irishman thrilled would be an understatement.

Aidan Shiels at the barrier draw for the Melbourne Cup.

Aidan Shiels at the barrier draw for the Melbourne Cup. Credit: Daniel Pockett

Of course, Heartbreak City didn't come first. Not that Shiels cared.

"I don't care! I don't care," he roared at Channel 7 reporter Neil Kearney, growing increasingly red in the face.

Shiels grabbed the mic-toting Kearney in a bear-hug, dragging him to the ground, still yelling "I don't care".

Kearney: You came second…
Shiels: (interrupting) I don't care! I don't care!
Kearney: This is the Melbourne Cup…
Shiels: (interrupting) I don't care! We came here, we finished second. We would have been happy with last!
Kearney: What a run it was by your horse, hey!
Shiels: (ignoring Kearney)
Kearney: That was a great run. (Shiels hugs Kearney) Oh! That is a bear hug! Have you done any wrestling?
Shiels: What?

Shiels is making a habit of incredible post-race interviews.

When Heartbreak City ran first in York in August, footage of Shiels – tie over his shoulder – roaring about his horse soon went viral.

"If you're doing something, you're doing it at 110 per cent. No half measures. Whether you're drinking, going out, going to work, everything's at 110," he said then.

He ended that interview by inviting the reporter for a drink. No word from Kearney about whether he got as lucky.

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