Cavalry pitcher Brian Grening follows heart to Canberra for a sixth ABL season

Cavalry pitcher Brian Grening follows heart to Canberra for a sixth ABL season

Canberra Cavalry veteran Brian Grening has followed his heart back to the capital for a sixth season.

The American pitcher married Canberra's Cassie Grening in Las Vegas last year and despite playing year-round across three countries, he said Narrabundah Ballpark was his home field.

Canberra Cavalry veteran Brian Grening has followed his heart back to the capital with wife Cassie for a sixth season.

Canberra Cavalry veteran Brian Grening has followed his heart back to the capital with wife Cassie for a sixth season.Credit:Elesa Kurtz

"It's always nice coming back to Canberra, it's always a warm welcoming and really it feels like family at this point," Grening said.

"Looking back at my career one day I'll consider this my home field, especially now I've got roots here with Cassie, it definitely feels like home."


The 31-year-old Claxton Shield-winning starting pitcher said he jumped at the opportunity to join the second-placed Cavalry and chase another ABL title.

"I've been playing in Venezuela but I finished up there and raced out here to catch on with these guys, they're going well so I wanted to hop on board," Grening said.

"I threw well in Venezuela and I had a relief outing last weekend against Melbourne, so it was good to get my feet wet again.

"It's awesome coming into a team that is doing so well I just hope I can continue that success."

Grening will start for Canberra against the Sydney Blue Sox on Friday night in the first of a four-game series, which the American believes can kick-start another title run.

"I think the secret weapon to the Canberra Cavalry's success over the last five years is the guys have always mashed, it's been a pretty special scene and that continues this year," he said.

"The good thing about the playoffs here is it's a three-game set so if you make it in anyone can win, the key at this stage is to just get in."

Grening said he passes on his experiences to the younger players whenever he can, but the roles are beginning to reverse in the modern game.

"These guys handle themselves pretty well, I try to share as much knowledge as I can but it's crazy how much the younger guys already know," he said.

"I think I learn just as much from them as they do from me. It's good having the young guys around, they keep me young."

Grening said his body feels good and confirmed he will keep returning to the capital as long as he's required.

"I've been talking with teams in Mexico and Italy and the body feels better every year, I've had no major injuries and I feel like I can keep going so I will until the offers dry up," he said.


Friday: Canberra Cavalry v Sydney Blue Sox at Blacktown International Sports Club, 7.30pm. Game two Saturday 4pm. Game three Saturday 7pm. Game four Sunday 4pm.

Eamonn Tiernan is a sports reporter with The Canberra Times

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