

No offence, but The Book of Mormon isn't very fair about Mormons

Popular culture can shape perceptions so strongly that "the truth" gets rewritten. Millions of people wrongly believe Richard III of England was a hunchback because Shakespeare wrote him that way for political reasons, while many movie-goers who watched the film Amadeus came away believing Mozart was a giggling imbecile with a gift for music.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is sometimes the subject of attention from Hollywood, Broadway, books and the news media, which may mislead or play to stereotypes. Occasionally they are in appalling taste. The church faces this attention again now the hugely successful Book of Mormon musical has just opened in Melbourne.

There are many people who see its depiction of two young men who serve as missionaries in Uganda as crude and even blasphemous. The language and themes, from female genital mutilation to raping infants, are certainly confronting.

But we have chosen not to take offence, not to campaign against the musical, not to try to censor its misrepresentations. We do believe strongly in freedom of speech but the main reason is that – with nearly 150,000 members in Australia – we recognise the musical offers us an unparalleled opportunity to place the truth and beauty of our Christian faith before a wider audience.

We know from other cities where the musical has been staged that people come away with questions about the faith. In particular they want to know how accurately it has been represented in the show. (The answer? Not very.)

Disappointingly, the musical depicts the young missionaries as naive, ignorant, brainwashed and morally uncertain, which is simply not true. Many young Mormons save up so they can fund themselves in dedicating two years of their lives to serving others on the mission field. In contrast to an often self-absorbed generation, they are focused, selfless and generous, putting study and careers on hold.


Nearly all find it highly enriching. Such was my own experience many years ago – it was a character-building, life-shaping, faith-promoting experience that I will always cherish. It makes me particularly happy to see some of my own children have the same experience.

Another common misconception is that Mormons are not really Christians and do not believe in Jesus Christ. It is sometimes claimed that we worship Joseph Smith, who led the Latter-day Saints when the church was organised.

Certainly we venerate Joseph Smith for his role, but in fact we worship only God and Jesus Christ, his son, whom we love and try to emulate in the way that we think, act, and reach out to others.

We study and follow the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, and also use the Book of Mormon as a sacred text that supports and stands alongside the Bible as another testament of Jesus Christ. In its 531 pages, only two do not mention Jesus. In fact, there is a reference to Jesus on average every 1.7 verses.

The musical does not refer to the most widespread myth about our faith, that Mormons practise polygamy, but because that misunderstanding is so persistent I want to touch on it here. Plural marriage was practised by some members and leaders of the church from the early 1840s until 1890, but has been prohibited now for more than 125 years.

Polygamous groups and individuals in and around Utah often cause confusion for casual observers. Such people have no affiliation at all with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, even though they are sometimes incorrectly called "Mormons".

The truth, which stands in stark contrast, is that the church deeply values family as the divine building block of society, and works hard to strengthen and preserve the family. Every Monday night is reserved as family night, and families can have conversations about anything affecting the family, such as school, current trends, social media, communication and the power of prayer and scripture study that strengthens our relationship with deity. We also teach the importance of loving our neighbour and have an active welfare arm.

So the church is a powerful force for good in individual lives, in family lives, and in the wider community. We are grateful to the writers, the actors and everyone involved the Book of Mormon musical for raising public interest and helping us communicate that truth.

Our message to the public is that the show may be entertaining, but the book is always better.

Robert Dudfield is an elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and worships with the Eltham congregation.