Netflix's New Family Sitcom Nails The Definition Of Mansplaining

"Mum, I'm not talking about 'old people sexism' -- it's much more subtle now."

20/01/2017 3:43 PM AEDT | Updated 19 hours ago
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Whether it's the 'locker room chat' of a certain President-elect or something a little more PG, bringing children up to speed on contentious issues can be a tricky task.

Of course, it's something parents have tackled for decades.

Who could forget the first time your mum or dad broached the 'Birds and the Bees' chat? And we're pretty certain if you are female, that initial (WTF!) conversation about your period still hasn't left you.

What we're getting at is, these conversations are important.

Netflix's new reboot of 70s sitcom "One Day at a Time" has been doing a pretty awesome job at tackling such topics.

The show centres around a Cuban-American family led by a single mother, who is raising her feminist teenage daughter and tween son with the help of their Cuban-born grandmother.

From sexuality, social class to immigration and sexism, it's like it arrived just when you needed it most. Just take the scene where Elena (played by Isabella Gomez) addresses sexism today.

"Mum, I'm not talking about 'old people sexism' -- it's much more subtle now," Elena proclaims.

She continues: "Men assert their power through microaggressions and mansplaining."

But before she can finish, building-handyman Schneider (played by Todd Grinnell) butts in.

"It's when a man explains things to a woman that she already knows but he actually is teaching her. Does that, make sense?"

And voila! Just like that -- your child is one step closer to being a mini feminist -- that is, the simple belief that women should have equal rights, opportunities (and air time) to men.

Good one, Netflix.


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