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What to boycott

Targeted consumer boycotts are convincing retailers across the world to stop selling products from companies profiting from Israel’s crimes. Many Israeli exporters complain that it is getting harder for them to export their products.

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) calls for a boycott of all Israeli products but we also target our boycotts to focus on a small number of companies and products for maximum impact. We focus on companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where we think we can have an impact.

Check with BDS organisations in your country for the brands being targeted in your community.

Not targeted consumer boycott
A targeted consumer boycott focuses on a small number of companies

The BNC is currently encouraging consumer boycotts of the following products and brands:

Israeli Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are one of Israel’s biggest exports and all Israeli agricultural exporters are complicit in Israel’s violations of international law as they operate on stolen Palestinian land.


Caterpillar bulldozers are regularly used in the demolition of Palestinian homes and farms and in Israel’s massacres in Gaza.


SodaStream home drinks machines are one of Israel’s best known exports.


Ahava cosmetics are another of Israel’s best known export companies.


Hewlett Packard helps run the ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement.


Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israel Defense Forces.