I would like to:

Get Involved

Ideas for Action

Spread the word

Campaign for an end to military cooperation with Israel. Build pressure on your government to exclude Israeli military companies from contracts.

Invite a BDS speaker

Organize mock checkpoints, raise awareness about Israeli repression demanding an immediate military embargo.

Creative protest action

Make freedom of information requests, ask elected representatives to question local or federal governments about their military relations with Israel and Israeli military companies.

Start a new BDS campaign

Banks and pension funds that you are a customer of are likely to have collaboration with Israeli military companies or complicit corporations such as G4S and HP. Pressure them to divest

Pass a BDS resolution

Universities across the world conduct joint military research with Israel or with weapons companies that supply the Israeli military. Campaign for them to cut their ties to Israel’s military industry!

Cultural boycott

Organize for unions,campaign groups and political parties to support the campaign for a military embargo.

Academic boycott

Target arms factories that are owned by Israeli companies or companies that export weapons to Israel and the arms fairs at which Israel markets its military technology.

Spread the word in your trade union

Military and security cooperation is generally off the radar of the public debate. Raise the issue!

Educate members of your community

Target arms factories that are owned by Israeli companies or companies that export weapons to Israel and the arms fairs at which Israel markets its military technology.

Apartheid Free Zone

Military and security cooperation is generally off the radar of the public debate. Raise the issue!


Target arms factories that are owned by Israeli companies or companies that export weapons to Israel and the arms fairs at which Israel markets its military technology.

Campaigning for BDS at your university

Military and security cooperation is generally off the radar of the public debate. Raise the issue!