

Twilight of the Trumps? What America can expect for the next four years

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Washington: On Friday in Washington, the sun should rise at 7.22am.

Instead, the capital and the country awake to years of a bleak and possibly dangerous political twilight. It all starts with an event that 12 months ago, would have been laughable, absurd and just downright silly – Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the US.

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What happens on Inauguration Day

Set your alarm early Saturday to watch the Donald Trump pledge the oath sworn by all 44 US presidents as part of three days of traditional ceremony.

In a government town, locals self-medicate as best they can, for what the acid-tongued Maureen Dowd diagnoses as a population in the grip of "pre-traumatic" stress disorder.

John Dean is a victim. So bad are the 78-year-old's nightmares, he says he wakes in the early hours, agitated and alarmed, and he leaps from his bed, "just to get away from them".

Dean, you might recall, was Richard Nixon's White House counsel – and a player in the jaw-dropping Watergate scandal. Ultimately he worked with prosecutors, helping to expose the racket; later, he ventured out as a hands-on expert, writing and lecturing on the abuse of presidential power.

"Trump is going to test our democracy as it has never been tested before," Dean says. In a confessional with The Atlantic magazine, he ticks off Nixon's worst traits – obsessive vengefulness, reflexive dishonesty and all-consuming ambition.


But Dean also insists Nixon was the better man, because he did have something akin to a moral compass, a sense of shame with which he tried to wrestle, saying at times "this is something I can't say out loud…" or "that's something the president can't do".

There are two scary points in Dean's Nixon-Trump morality tale.

First, he thinks that Nixon was nowhere near as corrupt or corruptible as is the baggage-laden Trump; and second, that a "we-can-impeach-him" faith expressed by so many Trump critics is misplaced – Dean fully expects a meltdown moment, but he is also convinced that Trump would beat the rap because, since Watergate, the checks and balances have been eroded and voters have been desensitised to scandal.

Such was the indifference of voters to Trump's "grab-them-by-the-pussy" video recording that he, as a Nixon-era survivor, is unable to come up with the sin that is sufficiently grave, or a revelation so shocking that it would force a modern president to quit.

Dean says Trump's channelling of Nixon's worst traits will be stoked by the realisation that has hit every new president since Watergate – executive power is a weapon to be wielded.

Ben Stein is a former Nixon speechwriter and he's in love with Trump. His pen drips acid too, but he's not half as clever as Dowd. In defence of Trump, Stein celebrates the weakening of the mainstream media as one of those checks and balances. He likes that the internet now gives voters access to a "jillion" alternate sources of news.

That Trump has made it this far suggests he is intelligent – yet he does a great imitation of a boorish dunce.

"This guy Trump, he's not a sensitive soul like Nixon," Stein writes in The American Spectator. "He knows how pitifully jealous the media people are. He owes them nothing. He sneers at them. He's moving them out of the White House. It's brilliant. He's making real the truth of now. The media are not the good guys, by and large. They're jealous snobs.

"They're not running the show any longer. One tweet from Trump blows their 5000-word stories to bits. This battle over Trump's legitimacy is done. In Trump's mind and in his legions' minds, he's legitimate and the media isn't. He knows how the world works. It really is a reality TV show."

It was The Washington Post's relentless 5000-word stories that brought Nixon down.

But Dean and Stein seem to be of like mind: it ain't going to happen this time.

It's easy to portray Trump as the village idiot who made it to the White House, but maybe he's not so stupid – seems he knew what he was talking about when he boasted he could shoot someone on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote.

It's hard to overestimate the cauldron of anger – a brew of shock and frustration with a heady aroma of disbelief – in which minorities in particular and progressives generally are stewing right now, and they take little comfort in being told this is just a blip in time, or in the invocation by Barack Obama and others of the Martin Luther King dictum that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice.

There's still disbelief, too, among Trump's supporters – "the forgotten men and women of this country", as he addressed them on election night – that he won. And imperfect as opinion polls are, as Trump is wont to remind us, there seems to be a bit of buyer's remorse out there.

There's been no honeymoon. The incoming President's approval ratings are in the toilet.

Remarkably, his approval this week is less than his share of the popular vote on Election Day – a historic first for an incoming president. And it's a safe bet that as Obama escorts Trump to his swearing-in at the Capitol, Trump will be going bonkers in the knowledge that eight years ago, the black man walking beside him enjoyed an approval rating that was double what Trump has today.

Trump won the Electoral College, to be sure. But he lost the popular vote by the widest margin in history. It can't be quantified in terms of votes won or lost, but Russian interference and FBI meddling did cast a pall over a vote that delivered Trump's vital Electoral College numbers by just 80-odd thousand votes. Reports that no less than six US intelligence agencies are investigating the Russian interference and a mosaic of ethical questions about Trump, his business and his cabinet team stoke the questioning of the new president's legitimacy and his claim to a mandate.

But the single person in the country who most focuses attention on the legitimacy question is the thin-skinned, super-sensitive Trump.

Just as Nixon is getting a mention, George W. Bush is also being remembered with near fondness, for the "self-interested humility" with which he eased himself into office after taking the presidency on the flip of a coin by the Supreme Court.

Bush ignored the anger directed his way. But he did attempt to reach out, to build bridges, declaring in his inauguration speech: "Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos."

Donald Trump doesn't do humility. The slightest criticism is treated as a humiliation, a personal slight against him, to which he must counterpunch.

Nobody, most of all Bush, gave a damn when Alabama congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis declared in 2001 that he'd boycott the Bush inauguration. But Trump took it as a deeply personal insult when Lewis said he'd skip the Trump pomp and circumstance; and he was insulted again by the reporting of the mere fact that Hillary Clinton had won the popular vote – each provoked a twitterstorm of rage.

The world must be told of Trump's every grievance; all critics are abused and belittled.

Who does Trump praise the most? Himself. Those who disagree with him are "clowns" and "stupid". Trump does not do magnanimity. Nuance and nicety are for losers. There's no calibration, no differentiation in the new President's treatment of all about whom he needs to bitch – Meryl Streep = China = John Lewis = NATO = the cast of Hamilton = Hillary Clinton = the dog that peed on the fire hydrant outside Trump Tower.

Americans are trapped in the pages of a Tom Clancy political thriller.

That Trump has made it this far suggests he is intelligent – yet he does a great imitation of a boorish dunce. Despite, or perhaps because of his oft-reported dubious business practices, the corporate empire he refuses to relinquish spans the globe. And there was political brilliance in his junking of all the billion-dollar norms of conventional campaigning to bedazzle voters with his glamour, celebrity and gaudy wealth rather than with policy sense and sensibility.

Trump is a new and inexperienced leader who flip-flops like a fish just landed, but he doesn't seem to care.

He wants to jail Clinton; and then he doesn't; and then he does. One day, climate change is a Chinese hoax and he's "not a great believer in man-made climate change". But the next day he says: "I think there is some connectivity. Some, something."

Trump will sprout the value of torture – "torture works, OK, folks? … We should get much stronger than waterboarding". Then he reveals that his pick for defence secretary, James "Mad Dog" Mattis, told him that an offer of cigarettes and beer would elicit more information from a captive; and, says Trump, "I was very impressed by that answer".

Analysts often describe Trump as a narcissist. And psychologists, lay and qualified, had a field day analysing him from afar during the primaries. His insecurity is apparent; his need to be "liked" is all-consuming. He's wary of any who are not of his inner circle, tweeting to millions but talking to few. His hair-trigger temperament is capable of lightning turns, to the vulgar, vengeful, unscrupulous, and heartless.

"Mr Trump is going to do what he was elected to do, which is to challenge the establishment," says Kelly-Anne Conway, who will be his White House counsellor. And when asked if all Trump's documented lies constituted "presidential" behaviour, Conway answered a question that is posed frequently – will Trump rise to the level of the office, or drag it down to his level?

"He's the President-elect, so that's presidential behaviour," Conway said.

New York University history professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an expert on authoritarian and fascist regimes, sees a familiar figure in Trump – the strongman who demands personal, not party loyalty; who rejected norms and customs rather than submit to the will of the political classes; whose aggression towards the media is geared to delegitimise all news that does not come from his preferred sources; and whose attacks on a single judge are a message to all to not get in the way of his reforms.

There was cruelty in his leaks to the media about his disappointment on the feel of his wife's breast implants – and the great sex he was having with his mistress, as he switched from wife 1 to wife 2. There was viciousness in his mocking of a disabled reporter.

Nothing in his behaviour since the end of a gruelling election campaign suggests Trump is aware of a need to repair the damage he inflicted on American notions of equity and equal rights or the fear he has instilled in minority communities – Hispanics and Muslims in particular – with his direct threats against them; and at the same time, the welcome mat he has shown to white supremacists and nationalists.

Trump will be the first president ever to have no previous political, diplomatic or military experience. His rejection of so much that is GOP orthodoxy arguably makes him a RINO – Republican In Name Only. And he might just as easily have run as a Democrat, the party for which he was a registered voter for most of the 2000s.

He's at war with the intelligence agencies on which he must rely – and which are investigating the Russian interference that was intended to tilt the election his way; according to reports from Israel, those same agencies are advising their Israeli counterparts to not share intelligence with the Trump administration because there's a risk it could be shared with Moscow and, in turn, with Tehran.

In their confirmation hearings, many of his cabinet appointees are at odds with him – either because they genuinely disagree or it's a ruse to get through a bothersome process. Trump tweeted that he's not worried.

But his defence secretary sees NATO as essential and argued that Russia would have to be confronted on several issues; his attorney-general claims he's not a racist; his education pick can't answer sensibly when asked if guns should be allowed in schools; his secretary of state seems ready to go to war with China; and his environmental chief was unaware, when asked how much lead is acceptable in drinking water, that the answer is none.

But Trump is busy doing other things. As the confirmation hearings proceeded, he was regaling The Washington Post with his great idea for the US to take a lead from Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang by holding military parades in major cities – "being a great president has to do with … being a great cheerleader for the country – and we're going to show the people … we're going to be showing our military."

Monday is Trump's nominated Day 1, when he'll unleash his shock and awe, first-day agenda – "we'll be doing some pretty good signings on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and then also the next week – you're all invited", he told his January 11 press conference.

He'll be seeking a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada; and Australian and its regional partners will be told to take a hike – there will be no Trans-Pacific Partnership. He's determined to make an early start on the Mexican border wall. There's an all-important Supreme Court vacancy to fill.

He'll at least nod to the urgency of his plan to "repeal and replace" Obamacare – a challenge that seemingly becomes more complex by the day. He wants to move quickly on tax reform – which will serve the rich much than it will the kind of people who voted for him.

With a declared objective of "erasing the Obama presidency", he intends to reverse all his predecessor's executive orders, the device by which Obama swerved around Congress to enact sweeping change on the environment, migrant rights and health care.

Foreign capitals watch the transition, stupefied as they attempt to decipher Trump's howls and tweets. Apart from discerning a need to worry, they don't know what to think.

The Germans are livid. The Chinese quote menacing proverbs to warn against weakening the One China policy – any who use Taiwan as leverage in negotiations would be "smashing their feet by lifting a rock". The British, ever hopeful, seem to think that having decided to cast themselves adrift from the European Union, they'll be thrown a line by Trump.

In a word, the whole Russia deal is frightening. Sure, it would be great for Moscow and Washington to get on, but Trump's "Putin-likes-me" riff is puerile; and given 70 years of history and the fact that Putin's critics tend to carelessly end up on slabs, Trump's declaration that he sees Putin and German leader Angela Merkel on an equal footing is reckless.

Closer to home, even Trump's Republican colleagues don't pretend to understand what's to come. "It's really a leap into the dark. And I think that's true for the country and that's true for Trump," says Oklahoma congressman Tom Cole. "He's never held public office. He's never been a governor. He's never been a senator and we don't have a lot of votes that give a pattern of what he thinks – in terms of Congress, I can assure you that we're not ready."

Equally, Trump has little sense of congressional arcana and bloody-mindedness – he's always been a one-man band and now he's up against a 535-member congressional cacophony. He's a man who moves fast; Congress moves slowly.

In 1990, Trump told Playboy magazine: "The show is Trump. And it's sold-out performances everywhere."

Despite forecasts of rain, turnout for Trump's inauguration will be respectable. Based on travel and hotel bookings, Washington officials are predicting a turnout of maybe 800,000 or 900,000 – about half of the reported 1.8 million that showed up to see Obama sworn in in 2009.

But on his way to the Capitol Trump is to stop for a security briefing – that's when Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, will be given the nuclear codes.