Busted! Jenny McCarthy makes a playful grab for Heather McDonald's chest during a cheeky radio interview 

She's famous for her no holds barred approach to life, and it's clear Jenny McCarthy takes the same approach to guests on her Sirius XM radio show.

The former Playboy model turned radio host made a cheeky grab for actress and comedienne Heather McDonald's chest today following the 46-year-old's appearance on The Jenny McCarthy Show in New York City.

Dressed in a patterned grey shawl, Jenny, 44, placed a sneaky hand on the brunette's breast as they smiled for the camera.

Breast friends: Jenny McCarthy makes a playful grab for Heather McDonald during her appearance on The Jenny McCarthy Show in New York City today

Say cheese: The two feisty beauties took some time out from their radio interview to pose for selfies together

Her affectionate display is a far cry from this time last year, when Jenny found herself at the center of a feud between Heather and her former boss, Chelsea Handler.

After working as a writer for Chelsea Lately, Heather said she 'lived in fear' of her boss and former friend.

'I don’t agree with how she treats relationships in her life,' Heather revealed in a podcast for Allegedly With Theo Von & Matthew Cole Weiss. 'I think she’s missing out and I think she’s missing out by dumping people. I think it’s a shame. You don’t have to cut someone out completely.'

Sticking together: Jenny was quick to defend her friend, Chelsea Handler's comments when she appeared on her radio show last year

Chelsea, 41, later fired back at her former employee during an interview with Jenny, calling Heather a 'loser'. 

'She would never say anything to my face, she would only say that on the radio - cause she's f***ing scared, and she should be,' ranted the 41-year-old comedienne. 'Now she should really be scared.'

Jenny - who counts Chelsea as a friend - was quick to defend the TV star.

Glamor Girl: Despite starting her career as a Playboy model, the blonde bombshell has carved out quite the career for herself as a radio host

'Now I think she probably will be scared,' added the blonde bombshell. 'Now she should be f***ing terrified.'

But given her recent amorous display with Heather, those comments appear to be well and truly behind them. Not that Heather plans on keeping quiet anytime soon.

'I like that I can be honest and not give a sh*t,' she said on her podcast, Juicy Scoop. 'I’m just sort of like, screw it. I feel like I’m at the point in my career where I have the freedom to just air it out and say what I want.'

Outspoken: 'I feel like I’m at the point in my career where I have the freedom to just air it out and say what I want.'

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