Mark Carnegie invests in career coaching service for millennials

Steve Shepherd, right, said he was inspired to start his career coaching business after his son Brice drifted in and out ...
Steve Shepherd, right, said he was inspired to start his career coaching business after his son Brice drifted in and out of casual jobs for several years. Pat Scala

Freshly minted graduates are starting to resort to the type of career coaching traditionally reserved for senior management as they struggle to carve out a fulfilling career in a job market decimated by automation and offshoring.

It's a development that hasn't gone unnoticed by venture capitalist Mark Carnegie, who has emerged as a key investor in a career coaching business that specialises in helping young people transition from education to employment.

The Career Insight Group, which owns executive outplacement providers Directioneering and Audrey Page, has launched a career coaching business TwoPointZero aimed at 16 to 30-year-olds in October 2016 and it now has seven career coaches working with young people in Sydney and Melbourne.

Mr Carnegie told The Australian Financial Review that he estimated the business to be worth several hundred million dollars in the next four to six years.

Venture capitalist Mark Carnegie, who has emerged as a key investor in a career coaching business.
Venture capitalist Mark Carnegie, who has emerged as a key investor in a career coaching business. Christopher Pearce

The news of the launch comes as graduates are struggling to find full-time jobs, according to the latest Foundation for Young Australians report, which found that it takes young people an average of 4.7 years to transition from full-time study to full-time work. In 1986, it took young people an average of one year.

"From an economic point of view this is an area that is really, really important. People are accumulating HECS debt without a really clear understanding of how they can pay for their training," Mr Carnegie said.

He said that the business will also focus on international students in Australia who are struggling to find full-time jobs, a move that will allow the business to expand across the Asia-Pacific region.

Traditionally, career transition services have been aimed at senior executives and older workers who have been made redundant.

Self esteem issues

Steve Shepherd, chief executive of TwoPointZero, said he was inspired to start the business after he observed his son Brice struggling to find his way in the job market while dealing with health and self esteem issues. He had to live at home and rely on his parents for money for a couple of years.

"From the age of 17 to until about 22 he struggled to find what he was passionate about, so he drifted in and out of casual jobs. It took him a lot of mental toughness to find something he really liked doing and I wanted other parents to not have to go through the same agony," he said. Brice, now 25, works in the building industry.

The services come with a hefty price tag – four coaching sessions will cost $1400, while 10 coaching sessions will cost $4900 – and it is aimed at young people who have the financial backing of their parents. Mr Shepherd said that 80 per cent of clients are referred by parents and relatives.

"It's not just the people in the western suburbs who are facing the challenges. There are people living in the leafy eastern suburbs who come from wealthy families who face the same challenges. Our program, in all honesty, targets that end of the market," he said.

"We can't guarantee we will get them a job. It's like getting piano lessons or tennis coaching or maths tutoring and we help you make that career transition but at the end of the day you have to do the work."

Foundation for Young Australians chief executive Jan Owens said transitioning to full-time employment has become more difficult for young people because a lot of entry level jobs are disappearing due to offshoring and automation.

She said the type of career advice traditionally provided by schools and universities was outdated. Instead, schools should focus on teaching young people how to manage their careers, she said.

"There shouldn't even be a job called a career advisor. You cannot advise young people on careers now because a 15-year-old today is going to have 17 jobs in five different industries. What you need now is a career management skill – financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, marketing and communication skills," she said.