Paul Bassat's journey from start-up whizz to venture capitalist

"I look for people who have self-confidence and self-belief but also understand they don't know the answer to ...
"I look for people who have self-confidence and self-belief but also understand they don't know the answer to everything," Paul Bassat on picking entrepreneurs. Josh Robenstone

The future is where Paul Bassat says he lives too much. "The restless person thinks about the future, which is the mode I'm in," he says. "I'd like to be more in the present and less in the future."

He's not talking about a Jetsons-style future of flying cars, nor the "Beam me up, Scotty" imagined transporter of Star Trek. Rather, he dwells in a place where technology start-ups are offering real and novel ways to better arrange the world and the global economy. The start-ups that aspire to be the next Google, Airbnb, Apple, Facebook or SEEK.

Bassat, a venture capitalist, was a co-founder of SEEK, the world's largest online employment business by market capitalisation. He created it with brother Andrew and friend Matthew Rockman, of the Rockmans women's fashion family, in 1997 – just two years after Amazon and eBay were born. Back then Bassat was a 29-year-old lawyer-turned-entrepreneur in awe of the possibilities of the internet. He had a cracker of an idea for a jobs website and set out on an exhausting adventure that eventually made him and others rich.

Bassat left SEEK five years ago, stepping down as co-chief executive. Now he's one of the wealthy men who invests money with hungry entrepreneurs, who remind him of himself. But Bassat isn't just any venture capitalist; there are plenty of them. He's the best-networked venture capitalist in Australia, and the most influential. 

While not a household name, the 48-year-old co-founder of Square Peg Capital has the ear of the country's uber rich and politicians, among them the innovation-obsessed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. His clout stretches beyond these shores into Israel and Silicon Valley, the latter the command centre for global innovation. He can easily organise a meeting with global technology giants such as Tesla or Uber, or one of the world's biggest venture capital outfits, Andreessen Horowitz, which helped build Facebook.

"His connections with the people in that world are fantastic," Wesfarmers chief executive Richard Goyder says. Bassat sits on the Wesfarmers board, a company that at more than 100 years old is steeped in the past. Like all older companies it's grappling with the opportunities and threats posed by the new economy. Bassat is also, alongside Goyder, an Australian Football League commissioner, and played a key role in the code's record $2.5 billion broadcasting rights deal inked last year.

Wesfarmers is Bassat's only big corporate board seat and the link that drew him to it was Colin Carter, who once sat on both the SEEK and Wesfarmers boards. But Bassat's power and influence go beyond connections, according to casino billionaire James Packer, who's the biggest investor in Square Peg's start-ups and early-stage and growth technology companies. Packer says that Bassat is one of Australia's best at picking and helping build such companies. Packer was also for some years a major shareholder and chairman of SEEK.

"My experience with internet businesses is that management falls broadly into two categories," he says. "The first group is inevitably focused on raising capital at higher and higher valuations, regardless of underlying financial performance. Then there are people who build real businesses. Paul is definitely a builder and has had great long-term success doing it. He's just as good as it gets in my view, and is a pure quality person who can see over the horizon too."

Over the horizon, into the future, where Bassat says he spends so much of his time. His struggle with today versus tomorrow is reflected in his reading habits. He often buys a physical book and the Kindle version together. It doesn't work very well and the Kindle is winning, in part because his work on tomorrow sees him so often on aeroplanes.

Annoyingly nice

In person in his Melbourne office, Bassat is smaller than his energetic personality might suggest. At 178 centimetres he resembles a middle-aged geek, one with a disarming, slightly gap-toothed smile. He's also annoyingly nice, except if you take up more than your allocated time.

"You're lucky I'm not a lawyer any more and charge by the hour," he says, only half-joking. Our interview has run well over the agreed length on a day when Bassat is rushed. He's got back-to-back meetings and the next few weeks are no different, as he meets with start-ups and investors to raise money. The future is calling and time, he tells me, is the enemy. But then, just before he dashes off for a video conference, he squeezes another interview with me into his diary.

Bassat's spartan office in trendy South Yarra doesn't reflect the circles he moves in. There are a few desks, a meeting room, a pinball machine and a framed photo commemorating SEEK's public listing. There's little that shouts wealth or boasts that he helped build SEEK, a company that's valued at almost $5 billion. Some of the entrepreneurs Square Peg backs would have flashier workplaces.

"If you think about the things that are going to give you a sense of satisfaction or enjoyment in your career, I'm not sure having an incredible, beautiful, luxurious office is up there," says Bassat. And anyway, the aeroplane is more his office these days.

Square Peg has investments in 25 start-ups in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Israel and the US. Of those 25, Bassat expects about eight to 10 to become "really significant businesses if they continue their growth trajectory over the next three to five years".

Square Peg's high-profile investors will be hoping that's the case and the pressure is on Bassat and his team to deliver. Among those investors are Packer; Australia's third-richest family, the Libermans; chief executive Greg Roebuck and chairman Wal Pisciotta; David Evans, executive chairman of Evans & Partners; UBS Australia chief executive Matthew Grounds; board director Carol Schwartz; SEEK chief executive Andrew Bassat; and Manny Stul, chief executive of Moose Enterprises. By mid-year, $350 million will have been poured into Square Peg over three and a half years.

Bassat won't disclose the return Square Peg is offering investors. But a typical rule of thumb is that investors expect returns that at least match the sharemarket's average performance plus something on top for the investment being illiquid. Daniel Petre, partner at competitor AirTree Ventures, says his two previous funds have returned "four times cash on cash" for investors.

At Square Peg, Bassat says investors are offered alignment, where the founders invest alongside them, rather than outcomes. The four founders have pumped almost $40 million of their own money into start-ups backed by Square Peg. Bassat's co-founders are Brighton Grammar schoolmate and former investment banker Tony Holt; former MYOB executive Barry Brott; and Justin Liberman, an heir to the multi-billion-dollar Liberman fortune. The Libermans invested in SEEK.

"We're putting a lot of money in and so what we say to people is: 'You know if it's successful we'll do well, and if it's not we'll all go down together'. It's a gamble. It's hardly a secret that most new businesses fail," Bassat says. "Venture is an attractive space because you can only lose one times your money but you can also make many times your money. The rewards are great but it's very, very hard to get it right. A lot can go wrong between a company at an early stage and a large successful business like"

Learn from failure mantra challenged

In the technology space, failure is often seen as a badge of honour. It even has its own conference called FailCon. Held at various places around the globe, the one-day conference allows tech entrepreneurs and investors to study their own failures and those of others. The mantra of such meetings is that by failing you're more likely to have learnt and thus to succeed in the future. Studies, however, demonstrate that this is not always the case; often past failure simply predicts future failure.

When Square Peg's founders got together they turned the FailCon playbook on its head. One of the first things they did was make a list of Australian tech success stories of the past two decades. Before long they had listed 40 companies. That seems embarrassingly small when compared with the US but given this is Australia, they were pleasantly surprised.

Big-name local success stories range from, and to Wotif, iSelect, SEEK and Atlassian. More recently other lesser-known homegrown heroes have emerged such as Bigcommerce, Aconex, Envato, Campaign Monitor, Catch of the Day and Menulog.

In compiling its list, Square Peg's team noticed that many got to where they are with the help of overseas venture money. Local venture firms had missed many of those opportunities. It's one reason why Bassat and the 12-member team at Square Peg, which has five offices globally, believe they can make a good return on their money. Square Peg has invested in companies such as GoCatch, ScriptRock, Stripe, Fiverr, PropertyGuru, Canva, Vend and Rokt, to name a few. Most of these names will be unfamiliar to the public – but then the future usually is.

Bassat's guiding philosophy when trying to pick the next Facebook or Freelancer is to start with the problem the entrepreneur is trying to solve. "Is it being solved in a unique, differentiated way or is it being solved in a way that anyone else can copy and there are very little barriers to entry?" he explains, beginning a lesson in how to spot the future.

"Secondly, when is it going to be solved? Have they got the timing right? Are they too early or too late? Timing is really important. Most importantly, who is solving the problem? An imperfect business model with an incredibly talented team beats an excellent business model with an average team."

Are you hungry enough?

The subjective judgment Square Peg has to make is whether a start-up has the right team to grow a business to critical mass, from, say, staff of 20 to 500 and revenues from $200,000 a month to $10 million a month. "It goes to an entrepreneur's hunger, focus, horsepower, curiosity, all of those things," Bassat says. He closely observes the thought process behind the answers he gets when questioning someone about their business. 

"Sometimes entrepreneurs have great certainty and know the answer to everything," Bassat says. "I look for people who have self-confidence and self-belief but also understand that they don't know the answer to everything and that the answers are going to come from their team and come from asking people, clients or other entrepreneurs."

It's tricky. Entrepreneurs have to have a reasonable level of confidence or they would never get started. They have to believe their business idea will win. But the problem they face is not unlike fishermen who, optimistic they will make the biggest haul every time they go to the ocean, inevitably underestimate the competition, making it harder for them to earn a living. 

If he was starting out again, Bassat says he would give this advice to his young self: "Be in the moment and perhaps be a little more patient. Understand the importance of the journey and the end goal." Still, he wants to see that hunger too. "Have more self-belief in terms of your ability to grow and expand the business. It took us a few years to work that out at SEEK."

Family trumps money

Bassat's personal wealth by back-of-the-envelope calculations sits at about $150 million. But money's not what motivates him – it's building businesses. And family trumps money, though it never ceases to surprise him how many wealthy people forget that order. "If your goal is to become really wealthy, what do you do when that happens? All you want to do is become wealthier. You're never going to be happy or satisfied."

Bassat and wife Sharon, a former teacher, have three late-stage teenagers. Some of the entrepreneurs Square Peg invests alongside are not that much older than Bassat's own kids, who so far have shown no interest in establishing new-economy businesses. Nor is Bassat encouraging them.

"The kids are becoming young adults and I'm incredibly proud of the people they are in terms of their values and how they interact with other people," he says. "They'll choose their own path and role. The thing you can give your kids as a parent is a good sense of self-esteem and values.

"I know a wealth adviser who advises phenomenally successful families in Silicon Valley, and the question he keeps getting asked by his clients is: 'How do I make sure my kids are as ambitious as I am or was?' It's the wrong question."

How SEEK found Bassat

Bassat and his two siblings, Andrew and Sally, all became lawyers. Only Sally, who lives in Israel, remains one. Bassat's mother, a Holocaust survivor who as a child emigrated from Poland, worked as a lawyer. His father, who was born in Egypt and came to Australia as a teenager, was an IBM executive. Bassat wasn't interested in technology as a kid; he liked books. And when the germ of an idea that would become SEEK came to him – while standing at a house auction in Melbourne in the  1990s – he had to use his father's computer for the research.

"I still didn't have a computer at home," he recalls. "We went onto my parents' computer and I suddenly discovered there were lots of online real estate sites, online car sites and online job sites. What I thought was a unique idea was not so unique after all. A few days later, I chatted to Andrew about it. Andrew and I went through that business-planning period and decided to focus on a jobs site. We thought the employment market was a more inefficient market."

Back in the 1990s newspapers enjoyed a monopoly on job ads while recruitment firms charged ridiculously high prices for their services. Both models were ripe for the picking. "Online space didn't cost a lot and could provide as much and more information about a job and company. We thought it was a better mousetrap."

Family businesses often fall apart but the two brothers survived working 14 years alongside each other at SEEK. Andrew Bassat says having a third person in Matt Rockman helped as a circuit breaker. "We respected each others' strengths and we brought different things to the table," says Andrew. His skills were in strategy, while he says Paul's were operational and having good intuition. "We were stronger together then, than we would have been on our own."

Third career

But enough about SEEK. Paul Bassat doesn't want to live in the past. "The most boring person in the world is the person who's always thinking and talking about the past," he says. He also doesn't want to be viewed through the lens of one company. "SEEK was such a great, exciting, wonderful part of my life and I feel incredibly blessed and now there's a new chapter in my life. Square Peg's a third career for me."

As is his directorship at Wesfarmers, being an AFL commissioner, a St Kilda tragic, and sitting on the boards of several not-for-profit organisations, among them The Prince's Charities Australia and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation. "I'm not at my best when I'm not busy," he says.

Last year he also sat on the Prime Minister's innovation roundtable, and led a business delegation to Israel to see what that country is doing in start-ups. Those on it included former Telstra chief executive David Thodey and Packer. As well, Bassat was on a subcommittee that helped clinch the AFL's record $2.5 billion, six-year broadcasting rights deal in August. AFL chairman Mike Fitzpatrick sat on the subcommittee with Bassat, AFL chief Gill McLachlan and AFL commissioner Kim Williams. He says of Bassat: "He was quite influential in the way we floated the digital part of the media rights deal."

Goyder met Bassat at the AFL before the latter joined the Wesfarmers board. "You don't get to what Paul and Andrew have done at SEEK without strong, commercial acumen and he brings a lot of that to the table," Goyder says. "Paul's just as valuable if we're talking about the coal sector or if we're talking about digital in retail. He's got commercial acumen that goes across a wide range of things."

Too nice for too long

In the many interviews for this profile, Bassat was constantly described as a nice guy. No one wanted to criticise him. Even Packer says: "I've never had a cross word with him." After a bit of pushing, AirTree's Petre offers up something that might be considered a chink in the armour of an intellectual sparring partner he's known for two decades. "Paul's too nice for too long," says Petre. "He can be too forgiving of some people. There are some people in his life who I would have cut off ages ago. Loyalty is a good thing but it has to have its boundaries."

Square Peg's ability to predict the future is still to be proven. Some of its bets may turn out to be lousy but Bassat and his team will be hoping several pay off. Technology is remaking the world at a faster and faster pace, and Australia needs a slice of it. Successive governments haven't grasped that opportunity but there's hope this might change under Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who made some of his $200 million fortune from investing in internet service provider OzEmail in the 1990s. He purchased a stake in it for half a million and later sold out of the business for nearly $60 million.

"A prime minister who can not only spell innovation but understand it is super important," Petre says. "We are in an incredibly important time where software is eating the world and technology is eating every industry, company and job. Malcolm Turnbull gets that. We are light years ahead of where we were some months ago."

If the government gets the policy framework right and helps ignite the tech and venture capital sectors, it will still be the entrepreneurs who do the heavy lifting. "We are the guys who write the cheque and we have an important role to play," says Bassat. "But that role is dwarfed by the role played by the founders and the teams in those businesses."

There's hope that tech could eventually become a growth pillar for the Australian economy, alongside mining, agriculture, education and financial services. Perhaps in the future, where Bassat spends so much of his time, that may be the case. For now, however, Bassat works among a community of optimists. And who wouldn't want to do that?

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The AFR Magazine Innovation issue is out Friday January 29 inside The Australian Financial Review