Obama's baleful red line legacy

by The Australian Financial Review

Barack Obama could have been a great foreign policy president, but he was not.

He had his successes. Iran has no nuclear bomb, or not yet. The US has rightly pivoted its attentions towards Asia and its future sources of prosperity.

Yet Obama has ended his presidency with a reputation for weakness which helped to propel President-elect Donald Trump into the Oval Office behind him. Much of that stemmed from one decision that President Obama defiantly maintains he was proud of: to abandon "the usual foreign policy playbook" and walk away from his 2012 red line on the Syrian Assad regime's use of chemical weapons.

It is understandable that President Obama decided to break with recent US history and not be tempted deeper into a vicious Middle Eastern war. But his choice not to lead was keenly noted far from Syria – in Beijing over the South China Sea, and in Moscow ahead of its annexing of Crimea and invasions of eastern Ukraine.

Cool and super-rational, President Obama wrongly believed that the US could show strength through restraint of its obvious overwhelming power, setting an example for others to follow. But the opportunists in Moscow and Beijing simply saw it as weakness, and the US has lost the initiative in crisis points like the Middle East and the South China Sea as a result.

And ironically that has been while the US has been bearing more of the burden of of fighting Islamic terror than ever, with more anti-terror operations in more places than under the Bush administration in exactly the kind of globo-cop role President Obama started out trying to avoid.

President Obama's hesitations will now be replaced by President Trump's unpredictable mix of traditional superpower machismo and a ruthlessly self-interested and transactional what's-in-it-for-America approach. President-elect Trump has been prepared to use China's acute sensitivities over Taiwan as a bargaining chip on trade. In office he might transact his own deals with Vladimir Putin over his NATO partners' heads. But international relations are not business deals, where you just try elsewhere if the hotel plan or the oil field falls over. There are long-lived consequences to failure.

Canberra's first priority must be to engage the new administration, working with Japan, Singapore and other allies to keep Washington constructively engaged in the region – and remonstrating if we have to. But as ANU strategy expert Rory Medcalf writes on these pages, we engage from greater strength if we are able to develop wider regional networks on our own initiative which are capable of acting by themselves. That brings more to the partnership with the US. But it also demonstrates to the Trump administration that in either trade or security, it if leaves a strategic hole then other nations can and will work around it – or even fill it in.