Super rules will force rethink on kids inheriting super

Parents will need to think about who will step into their shoes as the fund trustee.
Parents will need to think about who will step into their shoes as the fund trustee.

The biggest superannuation changes in 10 years impact not only how much you can save in super but what happens to your retirement savings if you die and leave it to your kids.

Advisers are warning wealthy clients to rethink how their super is redirected to their kids when they die. A little-known consequence of the new super rules could be forced sales of assets after death and capital gains tax (CGT) surprises, meaning less is passed on to their offspring.

At the moment it's pretty simple if you pop your clogs and your only dependants are your children –a "death benefit" income stream can be started for them with your super balance. That's if they're under 18 or, if they under 25, still financially dependent on you.

Things are set to get much more complicated after July 1, 2017 when the new super rules kick in, says Rebecca James, special counsel with DBA Lawyers.

That's thanks to the $1.6 million cap on the amount that can be transferred to tax-free pension phase after July 1, 2017.

"This is going to be a problem and advisers are putting together measures to mitigate the impact," says Andrew Yee, director of superannuation at HLB Mann Judd. Colin Lewis, senior manager strategic advice at Perpetual Private agrees: "Wealthier people with significant super savings will need to rethink their estate planning in respect of their super. The transfer balance cap of $1.6 million has far-reaching implications, not just while they are alive!"

Case study

James illustrates the change with a case study: Ernst, 60, has two children – Max, 10, and David, 8. He is still working and thus in the "accumulation phase" of his super, where the balance is $4 million. But he dies unexpectedly on July 1, 2017.

He's previously got his lawyer to set up a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) to ensure his super is split equally between his kids, to be paid as a pension income stream.

Before the changes on July 1, 2017, points out James, each child could have started an income stream with $2 million.

But the new rules mean each child can start an income stream with only $800,000 – half the $1.6 million Ernst would have been allowed to switch to pension phase.

What about the remaining $2.4 million?

"The remaining $1.2 million would be payable to each child as a lump sum (to be held in trust by the relevant guardian until each child reaches age 18)," says James.

An option that would give more control to the family, she adds, would be for these amounts to be put into testamentary trusts and paid out to Max and David when they reach a certain age.

You could do this via the binding nomination so that anything over the $1.6 million cap would be paid to your legal personal representative and then the testamentary trusts.

"Thus the capital could be quarantined for the benefit of each child until they reach the relevant age," says James.

But be very careful, she stresses, with the wording of the will, the binding nomination and the trust. The same applies to who you appoint as a super fund trustee, estate executor and testamentary trust trustee.

Pension phase

Now let's look at what would happen if Ernst was already retired and his pension balance had grown to $4 million. (On July 1, his pension account would only be able to hold $1.6 million, but over time this figure could grow as asset prices rise.)

In this situation, says James, Max and David can each receive a $2 million pension from the fund – half each of Ernst's pension capital.

"As Ernst has started a pension, the growth is captured in the retirement phase and thus his children are able to retain that growth in the concessionally-taxed superannuation environment until age 25, when the pension is required to be commuted and paid out as a lump sum," she adds.

What would happen if Ernst still had some super in the "accumulation phase"?

The kids can only be paid an income stream from the pension balance, not the accumulation balance.

If Ernst had $2 million in "pension phase" and $2 million in "accumulation phase", Max and David could be paid a pension based on $1 million each.

The $2 million in "accumulation phase" would have to be paid out as a lump sum.

Life insurance payout

It gets even more complicated if Ernst is in retirement phase and his kids get a life insurance payout via his super fund.

It's treated as part of his "accumulation phase" and so can't be paid as a pension to children under 18.

"It's important that parents think about who will step into their shoes as the fund trustee and effectively be in charge of paying the pension to minor kids," says James. "This just isn't the kind of thing you want to get wrong when your kids' financial welfare is at stake."

HLB Mann Judd's Yee says one option is for SMSF trustees to convert their fund to a small APRA fund so that an independent trustee is appointed to their fund to ensure payments are made to minors according to the deceased's instructions.

"Clients need to re-visit their estate planning in regards to the payment of their death benefits, especially if the beneficiary is currently a minor," he adds. "Certainly they will need specialised advice in regard to the application of the new rules. In particular where there are "excess" super benefits, they will need to plan for a 'home' for these benefits that is not only tax-effective, but effective in asset protection and under the control of a trusted person."

As Perpetual's Lewis points out, lump sum death benefits paid to "tax dependants" (ie a spouse and kids under 18) are still paid tax-free.

Lumpy lump sums

But the problem with lump sums, says Yee, is if the balance over $1.6 million has to leave the super system, where does it go?

"Does a testamentary trust need to be established, or a superannuation proceeds trust?" he asks. "And do these trusts need to planned prior to death, or can they be done after death and who will be control of these trusts post death?"

Another problem with "excess" super benefits needing to be paid out upon death is that super fund assets, especially within an SMSF, will need to be sold and likely create a capital gains tax liability. "This problem is exacerbated where a SMSF has lumpy assets such as real property and trustees will be forced to sell the property to pay out lump sums to beneficiaries," Yee adds.