Climate change is 'wolf at the door', says Charles: Prince urges world leaders to do more to tackle the issue in foreword of Ladybird book he co-authored 

  • Prince Charles urged world leaders to take steps to combat climate change
  • Outspoken heir issued warning action on climate change ‘must be scaled up now
  • In a message to world leaders described climate change as a threat to the planet

Prince Charles has urged world leaders to take immediate steps to combat climate change which he thinks is the ‘wolf at the door’ threatening the planet, it was revealed last night.

The outspoken heir to the throne has reportedly issued a warning that action on climate change ‘must be scaled up now’ in the foreword of a Ladybird book he has co-authored with two prominent environmental campaigners.

In a message to world leaders, he described climate change as the number one threat to the planet.

Prince Charles has reportedly issued a warning that action on climate change ‘must be scaled up now’ in the foreword of a Ladybird book he has co-authored (right)

The foreward of the 52-page book Climate Change, which is due to be published next week, starts: ‘I hope this modest attempt to alert a global public to the “wolf at the door” will make some small contribution towards encouraging requisite action; action that must be urgently scaled up, and scaled up now.’

The entire content of the book has not yet been revealed but it is understood that the slim, hardback volume claims there is overwhelming scientific evidence that largely man-made global warming causes catastrophic events, including the recent flooding in parts of Britain and rising global temperatures.

The publisher, better known for its children’s classics of the 1960s and 1970s, says the book offers a ‘bite-sized understanding’ of a ‘challenging subject’, and is written by ‘leading lights’ in their fields, providing ‘informed expert opinion’.

His comments will be interpreted as a stern message to leaders including Theresa May and Donald Trump, who will be sworn in as US President later today.

The heir to the throne - pictured in 2014 meeting residents in a flood-hit community in Somerset - described climate change as the number one threat to the planet

Mr Trump, who famously said global warming was ‘a hoax’ and that he is ‘not a big believer in manmade climate change’, is set to meet the Prince in the near future, although Clarence House said there were no immediate plans.

Prince Charles penned the introduction and co-wrote the 5,000-word book with former Green Party Parliamentary candidate Tony Juniper and polar scientist Emily Shuckburgh.

It is the first of a new series from Ladybird aimed at explaining complicated subjects to a mass audience.

The book is expected to stress that the scientific evidence for global warming is overwhelming. 

It is understood to discuss the series of floods that have hit different areas of Britain over recent years, from Somerset to Cumbria, and cite experts who say that climate change has made such events much more likely. 

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