'She's not a normal seven-year-old': Taylor Swift impersonator Xia Vigor's mother defends her daughter's 'sexualised' routine as she hits back at Piers Morgan for calling it 'creepy' 

  • Parents have come under fire for allowing girl on Filipino talent show
  • Piers Morgan said the performance involved the 'sexualisation of young girls'
  • Mother hits back, insisting the girl's song was just a bit of harmless fun
  • Youngster has also spoken of her joy at becoming a star this morning 

The mother of the seven-year-old Taylor Swift impersonator who took the world by storm has hit back at Piers Morgan for calling the act 'creepy'.

Little Xia Vigor appeared on a Filipino talent show this week with a rendition of Swift's 2008 hit You Belong With Me which has since gone viral.

But the performance also attracted criticism, with Piers Morgan saying it represented the 'sexualisation of young girls' and calling it 'not cute' and 'creepy'.

Xia's mother today defended herself against his attack, saying her daughter's act was an 'adorable' bit of fun.

Xia Vigor's mother has insisted her daughter's now-famous Taylor Swift act is not 'sexualised'

The pair appeared on ITV's This Morning today where Xia's mother said the show was just 'fun'

She said: 'For Piers Morgan to say something like that, he's a journalist, he should know his facts first before he commented on something that he doesn't really know the full story.

'It's not really fair on us for him to say something like that because as a mother I will never ever put my daughter in a situation where she will be sexualised.

'The programme is within the context of a family-oriented show here and it's purely entertainment.

'Philipinos love the programme and it's for children. Children watch the programme and the prize money for the programme is to go to charity and to buy toys for the children so it helps.'

Responding to a question from This Morning presenter Holly Willoughby, Ms Vigor insisted the youngster was only copying a famous dance by superstar Taylor Swift.

Ms Vigor, who described herself as 'very religious', admitted she was unsure about allowing her daughter to go on the show at first, but her daughter proved to her that she wanted to perform and it would allow her to get the help from professionals.

Piers Morgan is among the critics of the show, in which Xia dressed up as Taylor Swift

Xia divided opinion with the performance on talent show Your Face Sounds Familiar Read

Ms Xia said she thought her daughter's talent came from her musician father, Alan

She said her daughter is 'extremely smart' and 'very mature for her age', adding: 'She's not a normal 7-year-old… she loves to perform.'

Xia herself told This Morning that appearing on stage was 'super-fun' and she hoped to become a popstar when she is older.

Revealing she now plans to impersonate Axl Rose in her next performance, she added: 'I'm happy if I'm making people happy'.

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline today, Xia said: 'I really, really love what I'm doing. I feel so excited because people in every country are watching me. When I perform on stage, I always say to myself: "Xia, do your best".'

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