'Being your First Lady has been the honor of a lifetime': Michelle Obama shares sweet message as she cuddles up to Barack to take in the view from the White House balcony one last time 

  • Michelle Obama shared photograph with Twitter fans on Wednesday afternoon
  • Photo shows her and Barack taking in the view from the Truman balcony 
  • 'Thank you from the bottom of my heart,' she told followers as she posted it
  • The First Lady had earlier shared a video of her walking through the White House with dogs Bo and Sunny
  • The Obamas will leave to make way for the Trumps this Friday  

With less than 48 hours left as First Lady, Michelle Obama spent much of her day on Wednesday soaking up the White House before she is forced to move out. 

First, she walked through its halls with family dogs Bo and Sunny, sharing a video of their jaunt on Twitter.  

The stroll appears to have ended in the Executive Residence where Mrs Obama cuddled up to her husband to take in the view from the Truman balcony for one of the last times.

She shared a photograph of the special moment on social media to thank fans for their support, writing alongside it: 'Being your First Lady has been the honor of a lifetime. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.' 

The Obamas will leave 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Friday to make way for President-elect Donald Trump and his family. 

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Michelle Obama shared a sweet photograph of herself cuddling up to Barack as they took in the view from the Truman balcony on Wednesday with less than 48 hours left in the White House

The First Lady shared a message alongside the photograph, describing her role as 'the honor of a lifetime' 

They outgoing First Family are moving nearby to the affluent neighborhood of Kalorama to allow their youngest daughter Sasha to finish high school.

As movers ready their new house, both the President and the First Lady are relishing their final moments in their current home. 

President Obama used his final press conference in the White House briefing room to issue a stark warning to his successor. 

He said he would step in if he felt 'our core values' were 'at stake', promising to speak out if Trump began 'rounding up' children to be deported. 

'If I saw systematic discrimination [is] being ratified in some fashion. I put in that category explicit or functional obstacles to people being able to vote, to exercise their franchise. 

She earlier shared a photograph with dogs Bo and Sunny, thanking fans for their birthday wishes and for allowing her 'the opportunity to serve' 

'And for me, at least, I would put in that category efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when they love this country, they are our kids' friends and their classmates and are now entering into community colleges or in some cases serving in our military ...'

'The notion that we would just arbitrarily, or because of politics, punish those kids, when they didn't do anything wrong themselves, I think would be something that would merit me speaking out. 

'It doesn't mean that I would get on the ballot anywhere,' he said. 

The Obamas are not moving far. They have bought a home in the neighborhood of Kalorama where movers were seen hauling furniture on Wednesday 

In her farewell speech to the nation last week, Mrs Obama teared up as she said: 'Being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life and I hope I've made you proud.'

Movers have been hard at work at the Obamas' new home. They were seen hauling furniture and exercise equipment into the property on Wednesday.

Mrs Obama has laughed off repeated suggestions she should run for office but has not yet laid out a clear plan for what she intends to do next. 

While President Obama said on Wednesday he was looking forward to 'being quiet' for a while, the First Lady intends to carry on her work with young people and education. 

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