How your company's unwritten rules can break its culture

Unwritten rules are revealed in informal gatherings between staff.
Unwritten rules are revealed in informal gatherings between staff. chipstudio
by Steve Simpson

What leaders say are organisational priorities and what staff intuit can be quite different.

Senior executives may believe their company encourages staff to speak up but staff may be telling each other it's not worth complaining because nothing ever gets done when you do.

Managers may say they talk to their teams but staff know the only time the boss makes contact with anyone is when there's something wrong.

Or the official line can be that service is of the utmost importance but it isn't evident in the way staff interact with customers.

These unwritten ground rules are at the heart of a company's culture and define how a company is perceived by customers and staff. UGRs drive people's behaviour yet they are seldom talked about openly. It's the UGRs that constitute a company's culture.

Listen and take note

Leaders are sometimes oblivious to (and sometimes shielded from) the most prominent places in which UGRs are revealed: water cooler conversations, meetings after meetings, and conversations at social functions.

So how can executives guage the health of their company's culture?

Insights can be drawn from employee engagement data, which is often used as a proxy for workplace cultures.

According to a recent Gallup report, just 24 per cent of Australian and New Zealand employees are engaged, while 60 per cent are not engaged and 16 per cent are actively disengaged. The resulting ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees – 1.5-to-1 – is one of the highest among all global regions and similar (in fact, slightly worse) to results from the US and Canada (1.6-to-1).

The same report notes that in Australia and New Zealand, only 19 per cent of employees in leadership positions are engaged in their jobs. Of course there are costs associated with disengagement. Gallup estimate that the 16 per cent of Australian employees who are actively disengaged at their workplaces cost the country around $54.8 billion per year.

Luck or chance

An earlier report – the 2011 Medibank report titled Sick at Work –calculated that the cost of presenteesim (ie people at work but not fully productive) was $34.1 billion per year. At the heart of the issue of employee engagement – and yet not addressed as much as it could be – is workplace culture. When workplace cultures are productive and positive, engagement and productivity lifts.

A key question that leaders ought to consider is whether the UGRs in their organisation are a function of luck or chance, or whether the prevailing UGRs are by design.

In addition to tuning-in to the prevailing UGRs, leaders need to be asking the right questions. Despite what leaders proclaim as priorities, employees deduce what is important from the questions leaders ask and don't ask. It is a worthwhile exercise for leadership teams to consider the kinds of questions they need to be asking to demonstrate that culture is a top-three priority of the team.

Culture needs to be identified as a strategic priority and ownership of it fostered throughout the organisation.

Steve Simpson is an international speaker and author who works with organisations across the world to help them understand and strategically improve their workplace culture. He is the co-author of A Culture Turned.

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