'I'll burn your pretty face': Canberra man allegedly threatened woman with flame

'I'll burn your pretty face': Canberra man allegedly threatened woman with flame

A Canberra woman feared for her life as her partner allegedly pinned her to the ground and held a knife to her neck as he threatened: "I'll f----ing kill you, I'll cut your throat."

The Watson man, 41, is also set to fight allegations he sliced the woman's leg with scissors as he held her down and had burned her skin when he threw hot coffee on her during their 18-month relationship.

He pleaded not guilty in the ACT Magistrates Court to 14 charges including assault causing actual bodily harm, threatening to kill, choking, and property damage linked to 10 alleged episodes involving his former partner.

Court documents said the woman detailed the alleged abuse in a recorded family violence evidence in chief interview on New Year's Day.

In one incident, the man allegedly knocked his former partner to the ground outside Watson shops and caused her to hit her head on the ground in September 2015.


Later that day, she said, he held her down and deliberately slashed her leg with the scissor blade, causing a laceration which eventually scarred.

On another occasion the defendant allegedly poured rum on the woman's car and punctured a tyre, while a few months later he had allegedly swerved his car all over Anthony Rolfe Road in Gungahlin as he threatened to crash.

Police said the man had also held the woman down and wrapped his hands around her neck as he threatened to kill her inside their apartment in March last year.

He poured a can of paint over the woman's face, hurting her skin, the next month, court documents stated.

The day before his arrest, the man had allegedly used a lighter and aerosol can to threaten the woman with a large flame as he said: "I'll burn your pretty face."

"These ongoing threats and acts of violence have caused [the woman] such fear that she has deliberately kept the front door open and left a rear window unlocked to provide herself with escape routes in the event that the defendant attacks her again," the police statement of facts said.

Records showed police had spoken with the woman about the choking allegation in March but she had declined to make a statement.

The defendant was arrested on January 2.

His Legal Aid lawyer said in court on Thursday the man's ex-partner had moved out of the unit the pair shared and claimed she no longer held concerns for her safety.

He said the accused had been diagnosed with schizophrenia but had been taking his medication.

But the prosecutor opposed an application for bail on grounds there was a high risk the man would reoffend or continue to endanger the woman's safety.

"It is often the case in these sort of matters the complainant may not hold fears, notwithstanding the threat is still real," she said.

Magistrate Robert Cook refused bail, saying the defendant seemed to have "an inability to control his anger".

The case returns to court in March.

Megan Gorrey is the Urban Affairs reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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