
Cotton On mastering the middle market

The front door of Cotton On's headquarters gives little away about the global retail empire controlled from this commercial property.

The single-level, smoky glass facade is as unremarkable as the rest of the Shepherd Court architecture but to step inside is to enter the lively Cotton On Group campus, a sprawling operation that commands an ever-growing chunk of North Geelong acreage.

The property is the design hub for Cotton On's suite of brands, including it's popular Cotton On Kids, as well as Cotton On Body, Factorie, Supre as well as its expansionist stationery brand Typo.

Walking from the leafy, garden cafe to the retail outlet and past the Cotton On Group Uni (its training centre), it's impossible not to draw comparisons with the broadacre headquarters of global brands like Google and Disney, but the retail group's leaders eschew comparisons.

​"We never line ourselves up with a direct competitor; we spend a lot more time focusing on who we are and who  our customer is and what the DNA of each brand is," says chief Peter Johnson.

"That's not to say we're not watching and observing and learning from what others are doing, but it's far more important for us to understand who we are and make sure we expend all our energies on that.


"Our brands have a specific place where we play; we are not trying to play against the discount department stores but equally we're not playing in the boutique, designer space."

Cotton On has undeniably captured sales from the discount department stores and added to the pressure on these businesses, but it's also proved that with a clear identity you can make a success of the notoriously tough middle market in apparel.

The same market sector spat out failed businesses such as Pumpkin Patch and Payless Shoes in recent months and is a part of the market analyst Steve Kulmer calls "endangered".

Johnson describes the Cotton On modus operandi as taking "casual Australian style to the masses".

 "We really believe in developing product that people love, that they can afford," he says. "Not the cheapest, not the most expensive but always on trend, that's our place.

"When you talk about trends in retail, I think we've been able to predict most of them and take advantage of them."

Not the cheapest, not the most expensive but always on trend, that's our place.

Cotton On Group chief Peter Johnson

Johnson says the group foresaw the globalisation of retail, the arrival of the international apparel brands and what cheap imports would do to the discount department store chains and it evolved to meet these challenges.

"The secret is lots of hard work, lots of forward thinking and the willingness to evolve quickly," he says.

The group is still majority owned by founder Nigel Austin along with chief financial officer Michael Hardwickand there are no plans to take the business public.

Johnson says the real upside of the private structure is that it affords a more "entrepreneurial" approach.

"It isn't just the fact that we don't have to talk about business and results; it gives us the advantage and opportunity to be more entrepreneurial than a public company can." 

Started from Austin's car boot back in 1991, Cotton On housed just 40 staff in its headquarters 10 years ago. It now employs 1600 people and there are plans to expand it by another 1000 people in the next five years.

All of the group's product is designed and developed in Geelong before being exported to the world, a global network of  1500 stores, 22,000 staff and annual revenue of more than $2 billion.

By way of comparison, Solomon Lew's Premier Investments, which plans to build its Smiggle brand into the "Lego" of global stationery labels, reported full-year revenue of $1.05 billion last financial year.

The Cotton On Group is banking on revenue growth of 20 per cent a year but it won't talk about its net profit or net profit growth.

A willingness to fail and embrace risk is the key to the strong sales growth, according to Johnson.

"That growth only comes by taking risks and being prepared to fail in certain situations, so we have always got areas of the business that are consistent and growing and we've always got areas of our business that are about to join that group.

"It might take three or four years to get an area up and running and ready to grow, there are always some areas that are growing fast ... South Africa for example in the past few years there we established a great base, we proved the concept and then we just went hard and fast for a while.

"We do that with countries and we do that with brands but they don't all go to the exact plan and the beauty of being entrepreneurial is we make sure we have a number of them bubbling away and when one takes off we go really hard ... but we don't have to set out a rigid three to five-year plan."

When Cotton On runs the ruler over a new territory it has a list of close to 300 questions it "asks" about that market, a big shift from when it branched out into its first overseas market, New Zealand, back in 2006.

"When we went to our first international market, New Zealand ... we came up with a list that fitted on one page, so I'm guessing there were 30 or 40 questions that we thought were important," says Johnson.

"We went to New Zealand and we worked out pretty quickly there were another 20 questions we needed to ask so we added them to the list. By the time we went to our third country, which was Singapore, we had 75 questions and today when we go to a new country, it's up to 275."

But in retail, Johnson says it's important not to be too "data driven" and the leadership team still travels to every new market to walk the streets and malls to get a feel for the retail sector and consumer trends.

"Ultimately there needs to be enough of our customers to love our product and that's the ultimate test," Johnson says.

And as the group grows in size, so do its geographic targets.

"The business is now reasonably large and relatively complex ... so today one of the most important questions we ask is what's the scaleability of this market," says Johnson. "We don't want to do small things any more... so we are working on the bigger markets that are really going to provide a return on the investment and focus it takes."

The focus on America is in line with this strategy, a market that Cotton On had been trading in for several years now and an area where it's invested a lot of what it refers to as its "A-grade talent".

With 130 stores, it has doubled the size of its Kids and Typo business in the US in the last quarter of 2016., .

It plans to almost double the size of the US store network in the next few years and the e-commerce business is also expanding strongly.

"We've been opening 300 stores globally a year for the last four or five years now, so we can react very quickly where we see those opportunities in the market," says Hardwick.

Adult Cotton On has more stores but the Kids chain is one of the fastest growing parts of the business.

Stationery brand Typo is to spear-head its entry into the UK, the first time Cotton On has launched into a new territory with anything other than an apparel brand. And there are always plans for new brands to add to the Cotton On family.

"We always have ideas for more brands, we are always looking at opportunities and playing on our strengths and capitalising on what we see as openings in the markets."

And if the business is organised in the right way, Johnson doesn't see any constraints on how big it could grow – both in terms of brands, customers and stores.

"We have a really strong back office, really strong systems and processes ... we've been importing product from overseas more than 25 years," says Johnson. "We can feed a new brand into that pretty seamlessly."