Online Safety and Security Tips

The purpose of Find a Babysitter is to provide a safe environment for parents find nannies or sitters to suit their family's needs and we have a number of procedures in place to maintain this integrity.

It is of the utmost importance to Find a Babysitter that our members have a positive and safe experience when using our site. We monitor the site very closely to ensure that the jobs and profiles meet our guidelines.

Here's a few online safety tips to keep in mind when making contact with a parent or sitter :

  • Be cautious when a member claims to be overseas or outside of your area/state.
  • Never accept a job or agree to employ a sitter  without meeting the member in person first.
  • Avoid requests for electronic money transfers, such as untraceable Paypal or Western Union transfers.
  • Report any suspicious emails to us immediately.
  • If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
  • Receiving an unsolicited email from a parent or sitter  that refers to the contact details of  a person who is not a Find Babysitter member could indicate possible fraud.
  • Always ensure you have the latest version of internet browser and antivirus software update on your home and office computers.
  • Keep your username and password details safe and treat them as you would your bank PIN.

For more information about staying safe online visit:

What to do if you think a profile or job listing might be suspicious

If you've spotted a suspicious profile or job that perhaps contains inappropriate content or something else that doesn't seem quite right, we encourage you to let us know. 

Please contact us with the details of the member and we'll investigate accordingly.

