Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg battles to buy Hawaii land

Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday that he filed the cases to find all the partial owners so he can pay ...
Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday that he filed the cases to find all the partial owners so he can pay them their fair share. Getty Images

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has gone to court to gain ownership of isolated pockets of land tucked away within his sprawling estate in Hawaii, many of which are less than an acre and could be split between hundreds of owners in a situation unique to the islands.

The 14 parcels on the north shore of Kauai initially belonged to Native Hawaiians who were awarded the land during mid-19th century, when private property was established in the islands.

Many of the owners died without a will and courts never established who inherited the land, according to court documents filed by Zuckerberg's lawyers last month.

The documents say hundreds could now own an interest in the small pieces of land, including many who are not aware they do.

The lawsuits ask a court to determine who the owners are and provide them fair compensation. Judges frequently order auctions in similar cases.

Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday that he filed the cases to find all the partial owners so he can pay them their fair share.

"For most of these folks, they will now receive money for something they never even knew they had. No one will be forced off the land," he said.

University of Hawaii law professor David Callies guesses Zuckerberg is concerned about the rights any landlocked landowners would have to cross his property to get to the road or ocean.

Courts almost always award an easement that allows landlocked owners to cross another property to get to public areas, he said.

He recalled that George Harrison of the Beatles discovered his Maui neighbours had an easement that passed within 15 feet of his front window. The neighbours had it so they could get to the ocean.

"The court is used to this notion of easements and wealthy famous people not wanting people on their land, especially near their house,"Callies said.