Timeline: Donald Trump inauguration schedule revealed

Donald Trump and his family. From left, Tiffany, Donald Jnr, Donald, Eric, Melania, Ivanka. He will spend the first ...
Donald Trump and his family. From left, Tiffany, Donald Jnr, Donald, Eric, Melania, Ivanka. He will spend the first Sunday as President with his family in their new White House residence. CBS

Friday January 20

Noon (4:00am Saturday, AEDT) Trump is sworn in as President by Chief Justice John Roberts.

12:10 Delivers first speech as president from the inauguration stage at the US Capitol Building's west front.

12:15 Nuclear codes passed over to a Trump-team designated military aide.

Barack and Michelle Obama will leave the White House as Donald Trump arrives.
Barack and Michelle Obama will leave the White House as Donald Trump arrives. Alex Brandon

12:30 Ceremony ends and parade begins from the Capitol down Pennsylvania Avenue with military personnel.

17:00 Wave goodbye to Obama who will be leaving by chopper from South Lawn of White House.

19:00 Together with wife Melania and Vice President Mike Pence and Karen Pence make appearances at three official inaugural balls.

Saturday Jan 21

10:00 (2:00am Sunday, AEDT)  Trump and Pence and families attend the interfaith National Prayer Service, held at the Washington National Cathedral.

Donald Trump, and his deputy Mike Pence.
Donald Trump, and his deputy Mike Pence. AP

Sunday Jan 22

Spend time with family in their new White House residence. Trump has previously said he wants to make Monday 23 his first full day of work.

Monday Jan 23

8:00 (Midnight, Tuesday, AEDT)  Sit down at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office and begin "The First Day Project." Trump previously told his advisers he wants to find 25 executive orders on his desk so he can sign them in the first 24 hours. He later reduced this to a shortlist:

Protesters gather against Donald Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants.
Protesters gather against Donald Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants. YURI GRIPAS
  • Initiate removal of illegal immigrants - during the campaign he promised to do this "within one hour after I take office".
  • Order a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement an end to the adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership.
  • Eliminate "job killing restrictions" on shale energy and clean coal. Lift restrictions on where oil drilling can take place.
  • Order restrictions on appointment of lobbyists - he called this "draining the swamp".

Other actions previously promised for execution on day 1:

  • Order construction of a wall on the border with Mexico.
  • Review decisions of the outgoing Obama administration with a view to blocking them.
  • Reverse Obama's 200 plus executive orders, which is technically possible. Presidential commutations such as Chelsea Manning are harder to reverse.
  • Call CEOs of major companies to warn of 35 per cent tariffs if they move jobs overseas. Tariff changes require congressional approval.
  • Instruct senior Pentagon officials they have 30 days to submit a plan for defeating ISIS.
  • Sign an order eliminating gun-free zones around schools.
  • State intention to rescind Obama's ruling against the Keystone pipeline (Canada to US Gulf Coast).
  • Renounce the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and end the US Clean Power Plan which promotes sustainable energy.
  • Initiate the axing of Obamacare. This will require the approval of congress.
  • Formulate a rule which says for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated.
  • Order a new nuclear deal with Iran.