The assets test is no long-term fix for retirement income

Large assets do not last for all the retirement journey.
Large assets do not last for all the retirement journey. Tanya Lake
by Andrew Podger

The assets test fix that came into operation on January 1 may provide budgetary savings from people who might seem to be able to afford the cut in their pensions – but it will not make the retirement income system more "sustainable".

For that we need not only long-term budgetary savings but also policy coherence that people can plan around with certainty to ensure they have access to secure and adequate incomes for the whole of their retirement years.

In this area, like so many others, we are plagued with short-term political fixes that will inevitably require new fixes in the future.

The assets test change is in response to the rejection of the Abbott Government's proposed fix to pension indexation. Indexation based solely on the CPI as proposed was not just unfair but unsustainable in the long term, as even the government's Inter-Generational Report recognised by its assumption that eventually real increases would be required to maintain some relationship with community incomes.

That said, there was a good case to replace half-yearly indexation based on earnings (AWOTE) with CPI indexation had Abbott also proposed independent reviews every two or three years to adjust payments by movements in community living standards: AWOTE alone is likely to be over generous given our ageing population.

The Abbott fix was not replaced by a coherent policy, however, but by another fix negotiated by Scott Morrison. ACOSS agreed to the assets test change in order to protect its core constituency (maximum rate pensioners), and other welfare organisations such as COTA went along with it as well, though on the explicit condition that the government would develop a comprehensive retirement incomes policy (which we are yet to see). The Greens then endorsed the new proposal and it was passed by the Senate.

Morrison plan has some merit

Again, the Morrison fix is not without some merit. Pensioners should be expected to draw down their assets and not rely so much on the pension if they have the assets to do so. But the design of the new test is too politically clever by half.

The cleverness is in making some pensioners better off by increasing the assets test thresholds, and in presenting the cuts as affecting only those with what sounds like extremely large assets. Surely people with assets of the order of a million dollars do not need the pension?

But as ASFA has rightly been arguing, it is time we stopped focusing on people's accumulated savings and started focusing on the income streams these can generate over people's retirement years. A million dollars may represent great wealth to someone still earning an income from work, but it means a secure income of the order of $50,000 a year for a retiree – adequate for most, but hardly extreme.

More importantly, the political cleverness only works because of the high taper under the new test above the thresholds – the pension is reduced by $78 a year for every additional $1000 of assets. For a couple owning their own home, this taper applies from the new $375,000 threshold to the new $816,000 cut-out point. But no retiree can earn 7.8 per cent from their assets and, even if fully drawing down the assets over their remaining lives, the amount will be under 7.8 per cent (generally between 5 and 7 per cent), meaning the sensible use of assets will deliver lower net retirement incomes the more assets that have been saved, across this wide taper range.

Few may notice this now in all the noise about the immediate winners and losers, but it will become increasingly apparent as people in their 50s seek advice about the superannuation savings target they should set and the products they should buy with their savings to achieve an adequate and secure retirement income, and advisers start to explain that for a significant number the answer will be to direct more of their savings into home ownership, or not to increase savings at all, and to rely more heavily on the age pension and accept a lower retirement income than they thought they could achieve. Messy, confusing and totally inconsistent with superannuation policy.

Time to focus on whole system

A more coherent approach will require more open public dialogue about the issues, and a more carefully designed and more slowly phased in reform. The central focus should be on the core objective of the whole retirement income system, not just superannuation: achieving secure and adequate retirement incomes for all Australians (at sustainable cost to taxpayers).

The Henry and Harmer Reports preferred a move to a merged means test integrating the income and assets test. Alternatively, the assets test taper should be set so as to reward increased savings while still promoting the drawing down of those savings in retirement – the previous taper of 3.9 per cent was nearer the right mark.

More importantly, instead of both high assets test thresholds and exemption of the family home, we should move to include the home in the test with an appropriate high total threshold. This could be designed to ensure sufficient asset is still available to access aged care if needed, and to allow people to elect to leave some assets in their estates.

This is not politically impossible, as COTA has shown in its discussions with its constituency over aged care means testing and related Productivity Commission reform proposals. But it would require considerable effort to ensure ready access to home equity release products that fully protect tenure, perhaps initially by the Government itself. It would also require long phasing in, perhaps by being applied only to future retirees who will have accumulated much more in superannuation than most of the current generation of retirees.

Andrew Podger is honorary professor of public policy at the Australian National University

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