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Nine household items you need to get rid of in 2017

Getting rid of some household items can help to create a happier home.Getting rid of some household items can help to create a happier home. Photo: Popsugar Photography

In an ideal scenario, our homes are our sanctuaries, a place where we can escape the chaos and disorder of the outside world. But in reality, we’re often weighed down by belongings and decor that no longer have much use or sentimental vibe. This creates a heavy, dissatisfied vibe – but it’s an easy situation to change.

After seeking tips for designing a happier home from one of the world’s foremost interior experts, Jonathan Adler, we’re now going one step further. Channelling our inner Marie Kondo, we’ve made a list of the nine items to purge from your home in order to achieve clarity and an overall feeling of happiness.

1. Certain childhood mementos

Hold on to certain items from childhood, but don’t feel the need to keep every single thing. You’ll always have the memories, even if you don’t keep each belonging.

2. Reminders of an ex

It almost goes without saying that any reminders of past heartbreaks should be put out of sight, if not discarded entirely. If you aren’t totally ready to let go, box up painful mementos and stick them in an attic or basement for the time being.

3. Old periodicals

It’s easy to feel bogged down when there’s all manner of old magazines and newspapers cluttering the home. Get rid of any periodical you’ve read and loved, and bring in new, inspiring material.

4. Hand-me-downs you don’t adore

Give yourself permission to keep only things you really love in your home. If you’re financially able to, donate or sell hand-me-down furniture and find replacements that fit your taste.

Photo: Stocksy. 

5. Hobby items you’ve abandoned

We all have had interests come and go. Free up space in your home by discarding the paraphernalia from hobbies you’ve abandoned. Then you have space to pursue whatever new interests come along.

6. Books you read long ago

Books make beautiful decor, but consider parting ways with those you read long ago and will likely never open again. The newly found free space may just inspire you to find a new favourite book.

7. Out of date technology and cords

Keep the tech items and corresponding cords or adaptors you use currently, and consider donating everything else. That way, you’ll never again waste time looking for the exact piece you need.

Out of date

Photo: POPSUGAR Photography  Lisette Mejia

8. Certain mementos

We all love a walk down memory lane, but consider paring down your collection of mementos to the pieces that matter most. We’re much more likely to peruse a manageable stack of photos than wade through a bag full of disorganised snaps.

9. Clothes and shoes you no longer wear

It’s totally normal to hold onto clothing and shoes on the off chance the style may come back or that they’ll fit again someday. But by letting go of items you haven’t worn in a long time, you’re freeing up space for the clothes you do love and wear – and possibly something new too.

This article was originally published on PopSugar

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