EA WorldView


Syria Feature: Assad Regime — France Carried Out Chemical Attacks Near Damascus in August 2013

    Syria Feature: Assad Regime — France Carried Out Chemical Attacks Near Damascus in August 2013

PHOTO: A couple grieve over bodies of those killed in the Assad regime’s chemical attacks near Damascus, August 2013 (Ammar al-Arbini) The Assad regime and its backers, notably Russia, have

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France Analysis: How to Defeat the Islamic State?

    France Analysis: How to Defeat the Islamic State?

PHOTO: Police guard a church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray after the killing of a priest last week (Ian Langsdon/EPA)

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Iran Daily: “France and Saudi Arabia Behind Terrorist Attacks”

    Iran Daily: “France and Saudi Arabia Behind Terrorist Attacks”

PHOTO: Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri — “Role of the French in supporting and directing the phenomenon of terrorism is undeniable”

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France Audio Analysis: Assessing the Nice Attack

    France Audio Analysis: Assessing the Nice Attack

PHOTO: Covered bodies on the promenade in Nice, France after Thursday night’s truck attack

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France Developing: At Least 84 Killed in Truck Attack on Bastille Day

    France Developing: At Least 84 Killed in Truck Attack on Bastille Day

PHOTO: Police at the scene of the attack in Nice in southern France

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Syria Feature: French Foreign Minister Resigns, Blasts US as Well as Russia and Iran

    Syria Feature: French Foreign Minister Resigns, Blasts US as Well as Russia and Iran

PHOTO: French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius: “There are words, but actions are another matter”

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