GeorgiaCarry.Org is Georgia's No-compromise
Voice For Gun Owners.

GCO Believes...

The Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights doesn't just apply in certain locations or to special people favored by the government. The right of the people to keep and bear arms applies everywhere and to all of us without qualification. "Shall not be infringed" means SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Prior to July 1, 2008, the State of Georgia had many restrictions on where and how a law abiding citizen could carry a firearm. Coupled with a law so vaguely and poorly written that determining where one could legally carry was extremely difficult, many citizens never bothered to obtain a Georgia Firearm License to exercise their rights.

GeorgiaCarry.Org was incorporated on February 9, 2007 and from the beginning, we have fought against the powerful interests who seek to burden the exercise of our second amendment rights. Our first action was to sue Georgia's Probate Judges to force them to follow the law. We sued them to force them to issue license within a certain time frame as opposed to issuing them when they so desired. We also took them to court to remove their requirement of applicants to supply their Social Security numbers and employment information in order to obtain a license. Next, we took on Cities and Counties to force them to repeal their local gun bans, in violation of Georgia's Preemption Law (OCGA 16-11-173).

Working with Georgia State Senator John Douglas (R17) and State Rep. Tim Bearden (R68) in 2008, we began the process of expanding the number of places Firearms Licensees can carry, including restaurants that serve alcohol, public transit and parks. GCO filed an Amicus Brief in the Heller v. DC court case documenting the racist origins and intent of gun control.

In 2009, working with Senator Mitch Seabaugh, we took yet another step in restoring our 2A rights. In 2010, SB308, Senator Seabaugh's "Common Sense" gun bill was passed in the General Assembly and signed into law on June 6, 2010 by Governor Sonny Perdue. The signing of SB308 repealed Georgia's 140 year old Public Gathering statute, expanded the number of places a license holder could carry and expanded the number of people qualified to get a license by removing the life time prohibitions for misdemeanor marijuana possession convictions.

Much more needs to be done and GeorgiaCarry.Org will not stop until our nation's forefather's promise of "shall not be infringed" is achieved. If you share our belief that the Second Amendment doesn't have an asterisk, then join us in the fight for our Liberty.

Latest Information:

GCO, VCDL Sue Georgia AG

December 1st, 2016

GCO, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, and a mutual member have filed suit against Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr on account of Carr’s refusal to recognize Virginia concealed carry licences in Georgia.   The complaint may be read here.


CDC Doctor Denigrates 2A, GCO Mission

September 3rd, 2016

Jean Clare Smith, a doctor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, contacted GCO to complain about GCO’s efforts in the Botanical Garden case. She urged GCO to work on matters of importance to society, and has previously called for the Second Amendment to be radically changed. She asserts that “children” would appreciate it if GCO members would go to the range rather than advocate for enforcement of gun laws.


Court Rules For Botanical Garden

September 1st, 2016

On September 1, 2016, the Superior Court of Fulton County ruled that land leased by the Atlanta Botanical Garden from the City of Atlanta is “private” and therefore subject to the rules established by the Garden (including a prohibition against carrying guns there). The opinion and other case documents may be found here.


GCO Attends SC Governor Haley’s Ceremonial Signing of Reciprocity Bill

August 25th, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016 a ceremonial signing of SC HB 3799 was held in North Augusta, SC.  In attendance via invitation was GCO Executive Director, Jerry Henry, State Representative Alan Powell along with several GCO members including, State Representative Rick Jasperse, Mike Poss and several other state representatives whose district borders South Carolina.  Jerry Henry presented Governor Nikki Haley and SC State Representative Bill Hixon with GCO’s Good Neighbor Award for signing and sponsoring the bill.

L-R, GA State Representative Alan Powell, SC State Representative Bill Hixon, SC Governor Nikki Haley and Jerry Henry.

This was a ceremonial signing.  HB 3799 has been in effect since 06/03/16.


The Gun Runners Ride Again!

July 20th, 2016

GeorgiaCarry.Org is proud to announce the resurgence of the first ever GCO endorsed membership affiliate club, the “Gun Runners” Motorcycle Riders Club.

GCO Member Jud Kidney has taken the reigns as the Gun Runners Motorcycle Riders Clun Coordinator.  Jud is currently making plans for a group ride to occure late summer/early fall and will be contacting current Gun Runners members with details when they are finalized.

The “Gun Runners” primary mission is to spread the word about responsible carry by riders and to promote GeorgiaCarry.Org within the motorcycle rider’s community. We have no dues, no initiation, no meetings, or any of the other complications of more organized clubs.  The only requirement for Gun Runners membership is your GCO membership.   What we do have is a passion for our Second Amendment rights and a love to ride.   The Gun Runners  welcome all riders on all sorts of motorcycles.  No matter if you ride a trike, cruiser, sport bile, enduro or hog.   Heck we even accept Gold Wing riders (*with a character reference).   If you are interested in joining the Gun Runners, please email Jud Kidney at


Sharing the love!

July 7th, 2016

From time to time, we like to share some of the correspondence we receive from some of the gun prohibitionists.  Why they take the time to write to us is unknown and only reinforces our beliefs that we are doing what’s right by standing up for our second amendment rights.  Your Executive Director appeared on MSNBC on July 4th.  Just after the show was over, he received the following email from a M Woodward from the Boston, MA area:

Just saw you. Are all of you gun nuts clowns? You seem to be. As a victim of gun violence, as well as many of my friends, you disgust me with your stupid 1799 mentality! You want arms, get a musket! It never said anything specifically about a gun in the constitution, moron! I hope not, but what if your kids are victims of a mass shooting? I know, just more guns, right?
It’s time to look out for Americans and not just your own self interests, 33,000 people die a year in this country because of fools like you having easy access to guns. That’s like having 11 9/11’s a year or a Vietnam. And tens of thousands more get shot and are disabled. Damaged for life.
You are the worst type of American we have in this country. So what if you’re a vet, I am too. The NRA is a terrorist Organization and people like you are the terrorists. You want to make it super easy for any wanna be terrorist or any sick individual just to walk in and buy any gun they want. Shame on you! You are an embarrassment to this country! Thanks to people like you, the whole world thinks we are idiots, and that is why ISIS tells their followers to act out in this country because of our weak gun laws. That’s exactly why Orlando happened. Their blood is on the hands of people like you, not to mention all those 6-year-old kids in Connecticut and the many other places.
Please leave this country, sir!
He received an email stating, “Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments!”

South Carolina Governor Haley Signs GA Reciprocity Bill!

June 3rd, 2016

This morning, South Carolina Governor Haley signed SC H3799 into law, recognizing our GWL’s in South Carolina.  The bill is effective upon her signing so we now have reciprocity.

Please remember to check out the SC laws before carrying there and remember that they only allow concealed carry.

This is great news as we can now carry in all our neighboring states!!!


New policy to take effect at Atlanta Airport, June 1, 2016.

May 24th, 2016

Please read and heed this media advisory from the US Attorney of North GA!  Share it will all your friends and acquaintances.


Court Dismisses Corps Case

May 10th, 2016

In GCO’s case against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ ban on carrying firearms on their property, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Judge Harold Murphy presiding, has granted the Corps’ Motion to Dismiss. In ruling on the motion, Judge Murphy said that Corps property is a “sensitive place,” and that the Corps’ regulation does not burden the Second Amendment right as it relates to Army land. GCO is planning to appeal this decision. The order may be found here.


GCO Wins Botanical Gardens Appeal

May 10th, 2016

On May 9, 2016, the Supreme Court of Georgia reversed a ruling of the Fulton County Superior Court dismissing GCO’s lawsuit against the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. In the lawsuit, GCO and member Phillip Evans seek declaratory and injunctive relief against the Gardens because the Gardens claims to have the authority to ban guns on its property. The Gardens leases the property from the City of Atlanta, and state law prevents lessees of public property from banning weapons on such property. The opinion and other case documents may be found here.
