

US-backed Iraqi forces take eastern Mosul from Islamic State

Baghdad: Iraq's government forces said on Wednesday that they had gained control of the eastern half of Mosul, three months after they began an assault to retake the northern city from Islamic State militants.

The Iraqi advance - the biggest military operation in the years since the United States ended its occupation of the country in 2011 - was aided by US air support and military advisers. But after weeks of heavy fighting and high casualties in areas of Mosul east of the Tigris River, the older and more densely populated western neighbourhoods of the city remain in Islamic State hands.

The advance came as Russia and Turkey conducted their first joint air operations on Wednesday in Syria, bombing IS positions in and around the north-western town of al-Bab, where US jets also struck militant targets this week.

The operations, which one Russian general described as "unprecedented", came as Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu tweeted that he had a "working breakfast" in Washington with Michael Flynn, US President-elect Donald Trump's designated national security adviser.

The coordination between Moscow and Ankara comes just over a year after a Russian fighter jet was shot down by Turkish forces for allegedly straying into Turkish airspace during a mission in Syria. Lieutenant-General Sergei Rudskoi, operations director of the Russian General Staff, said the two governments had signed a military cooperation plan on January 12.

Mosul, which was Iraq's second-largest city when IS seized it in 2014, has become a focal point in the broader battle to crush IS, the extremist group that claimed to have established a new caliphate in areas of Iraq and Syria.


Tens of thousands of Mosul residents have fled since the Iraqi military began the recapturing operation in October, beginning with sparsely populated outer districts. Roughly 1 million civilians are believed to still be in the city.

Members of Iraq's counter-terrorism service were the lead fighters in seizing eastern Mosul, and they faced ferocious resistance from Islamic State defenders who had planted booby traps and sent suicide bombers to stop them. US warplanes sought to block the Islamic State from reinforcing fighters in the east by bombing the Tigris bridges linking it to the western side.

Lieutenant-General Talib Shaghati of the Iraqi army said on Wednesday that his forces had in effect taken control of the eastern side, declaring that "important lines and important areas are finished". He spoke at a news conference in Bartella, a town east of Mosul.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi extolled what he described as "the efforts of our brave forces" to retake Mosul. He also praised the role of the US in a tweet to outgoing US Vice-President Joe Biden.

It remains unclear how long it may take to clear the western half, which is characterised by narrow streets that could make the fight against entrenched IS fighters even more treacherous.

The triumphal moment on Wednesday was tempered by growing exasperation in the western city of Fallujah, where Iraqi forces and allied militias routed Islamic State fighters more than six months ago. Many neighbourhoods were destroyed in that battle, and residents have increasingly complained that much of the city remains uninhabitable.

In a dispatch from the Sunni-dominated Fallujah, Agence France-Presse quoted civilians as saying the lack of reconstruction, services and jobs threatened to rekindle the resentment toward the Shiite-led government in Baghdad that had helped incubate support for the Islamic State among some members of the Sunni Arab minority.

Iraqi officials have said they lack money for reconstruction, hobbled by the country's over-reliance on its oil industry, which has been repeatedly disrupted by war and depressed by low prices.

New York Times, Washington Post