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20,000 Small Businesses Rely on DataSphere

The easy & affordable way to build your brand and generate leads.


We're committed to delivering exceptional value to our advertisers. That's why we guarantee a minimum average number of Actions per month.

What is an Action?

Build Your Brand

We increase awareness of your business through exclusive exposure on WFAA and a network of sites and apps on the mobile phones of nearby potential customers.

Proven Marketing Materials

We build compelling and powerful banner ads, mobile banner ads, videos, web pages, and mobile websites for over 20,000 small businesses like yours. Based on data from tens of thousands of campaigns over many years, we know how to build marketing that works.

Unrivaled Exposure

We take these marketing materials and place them in front of the audiences that are most receptive to your message. In addition to having your business name in front of visitors to WFAA's website, we distribute your ads to mobile websites and apps being viewed by nearby prospective customers, and syndicate your coupons out to top coupon websites and apps.

Generate Leads

We track and report potential customer actions that drive leads to your business. In fact, we guarantee that we will drive enough actions to ensure you get leads. We provide a performance dashboard for your business so that you can monitor activity.

Landing Pages Designed to Generate Leads

Our profile pages and mobile websites have been designed to make it easy for visitors to take the next step and engage with your business.