The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit medical relief organization that is working on the front lines of crisis relief in Syria and neighboring countries to alleviate suffering and save lives. SAMS proudly provides medical care and treatment to every patient in need.

Our impact in

Syria - 2015 Impact

  • Total beneficiaries 2,316,642
  • Primary Health Care beneficiaries 896,665
  • Psychosocial Care beneficiaries 14,424
  • ICU & Trauma Care beneficiaries 629,373
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Aleppo - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 118,591
  • Primary Care Facilities 5
  • Trauma Facilities 5
  • OBGYN Facilities 3
  • Mobile Clinics 1
  • CT Scanner 1
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Dera'a - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 612,985
  • Primary Care Facilities 13
  • Trauma Facilities 19
  • OBGYN Facilities 2
  • Psychosocial Programs 1
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Hama - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 120,029
  • Primary Care Facilities 4
  • Trauma Facilities 2
  • Mobile Clinics 1
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Homs - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 82,624
  • Trauma Facilities 2
  • Reproductive Health Facilities 2
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Idlib - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 335,875
  • Primary Care & Trauma Facilities 15
  • OBGYN Facilities 4
  • Mobile Clinics 4
  • Dialysis Facilities 3
  • Orthopedic & Rehab Facilities 2
  • Psychosocial Programs 1
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Latakkia - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 20,124
  • Primary Care Facilities 1
  • Trauma Care Facilities 1
  • Reproductive Health Facilities 2
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Quneitra - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 58,589
  • Primary Care Facilities 2
  • Trauma Facilities 2
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Rural Damascus - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 271,942
  • Primary Care Facilities 9
  • Trauma Facilities 5
  • OBGYN Facilities 1
  • Blood Banks & Labs 6
  • Rehabilitation Centers 1
  • CT Scanner 1
  • Psychosocial Programs 1
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Jordan - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 181,450
  • Al-Zaatari Camp 145,031
  • Irbid Psychosocial Program 8,610
  • Medical Missions 4
  • Medical Mission Beneficiaries 10,950
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Lebanon - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 86,932
  • Dental Care 15,585
  • Psychosocial Programs 2,373
  • Specialty Clinics 51,783
  • Physiotherapy Care 7,178
  • Surgical Center 2,701
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Turkey - 2015 Impact

  • Total Beneficiaries 54,313
  • Dental Clinic Beneficiaries 52,790
  • Medical Mission Beneficiaries 1,432
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SAMS Global Response - April - July 2016

  • Total Beneficiaries 9,096
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Medical Training

Gaziantep Turkey 05/27/2017 - 05/29/2017 LEARN MORE

April Medical Mission to Jordan

Amman Jordan 04/08/2017 - 04/13/2017 LEARN MORE

SAMS midwest chapter 13th annual fundraising gala

IL The Westin Lombard 03/04/2017 LEARN MORE


Michigan 200 W Big Beaver Rd 03/04/2017 LEARN MORE
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A pregnant woman in labor arrived to a SAMS-supported OBGYN clinic in Idlib, Syria at 8pm local time. Her condition was extremely critical. She suffered from low blood pressure and was unconscious. Her unborn baby was in a critical condition as well. Immediately, our dedicated medical personnel operated on the patient to stabilize her condition and save her child. The newborn was immediately put in an incubator.
We are happy to share that the mother and her child were discharged the next day once their conditions stabilized and our medical personnel conducted all the necessary tests.


An eight month old baby girl with convulsions five days after shrapnel penetrated her head was admitted to a SAMS-supported hospital in Aleppo. Her conditions was very critical. SAMS's Dr. Amr, the only remaining neurosurgeon in eastern Aleppo City, successfully performed the surgery and saved this infant's life. A couple of days after the surgery, this beautiful and brave baby girl is drinking milk, moving her arms and legs, and crying like a normal baby.


A three day old infant was given a change at a healthy life after he was treated for a tracheoesophageal fistula at a SAMS-supported pediatric ICU in Dera'a. After the surgery, the infant was monitored for 15 days. On day 14, he began breastfeeding with no problem!


Suffering from severe vomiting and diarrhea, five children from one family were admitted to a SAMS-supported children's clinic in Idlib. Within 24 hours, their conditions improved drastically and they were able to go back home.


A mother underwent a smooth delivery at a SAMS-supported OBGYN clinic in Idlib, yet her baby could not breath on its own. The newborn had to be transferred to another clinic. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, SAMS medical personnel would not give up trying to treat the infant and he soon began to breathe!


Hanin Said, 5, was diagnosed 3 months ago with alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease. She was diagnosed by our doctors at the SAMS-supported dermatology mobile clinic in Idlib, #Syria.
Her condition was severe and urgent. Immediately, our doctors provided her with the necessary treatment.A month later, our medical staff visited her for a follow-up exam. She is now doing much better. SAMS supports 4 primary care mobile clinics in Idlib and Hama, and one mobile dermatology clinic in Idlib. Over the past 6 months, our mobile dermatology clinic treated 6,773 patients, serving on average 960 patients a month.


A 30-year-old Syrian refugee living in Jordan with a failing heart needed an emergency surgery to save his life. After visiting a number of hospitals, he was told that he needed two heart valves to be replaced. During SAMS's cardiology mission to Jordan in July, SAMS volunteers diagnosed him with endocarditis and insisted on operating on him right away in order to save his life. The surgery was successful. The patient is now doing very well. Dr. Tabry, the surgeon who operated on him, visited him a couple of weeks after the surgery for follow-up exams.


Tabarak, a mother of 6, was diagnosed with cancer in her wrist while living in Syria. The escalating violence in Syria forced Tabarek and her family to flee to #Jordan. With limited access to medical care in Zaatari refugee camp, Tabarak’s tumor began to form again.
A local physician informed Tabarak that her hand would have to be amputated. However, after conferring with specialists, Dr. Majd Isreb, SAMS Foundation Chair, learned that an amputation was not necessary.
Thanks to the work of SAMS medical mission volunteers, Tabarak was able to receive the surgery she needed at no cost.


Fatima was born with a bowel obstruction. Her parents traveled from hospital to hospital desperately trying to find treatment for their newborn. Finally, they came to a SAMS-supported OB/GYN facility in the countryside of #Idlib where medical personnel were able to perform the necessary surgery and provide her with all needed medical care and medication. Today, Fatima is almost a year old and healthy.


Firas had a normal childhood in Dara'a, Syria until a missile hit his house, severely injuring his father and forcing his family to flee.
At only 12 years of age, Firas dropped out of school and started selling cotton candy to provide for his parents and younger siblings.
Feeling depressed and sad all the time, Firas visited SAMS psychosocial clinic in Dara'a. He successfully participated in SAMS psychosocial programs that helped him cope with the effects of depression and improve his emotional wellbeing. Firas is now a happier boy. He even participated in a chess competition.



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96 cents of every dollar donated went directly into our programs in 2015.

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