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@hsmeghan What is the brand of your stainless sink? It sounds great. Would love to get one for new house. Thanks!

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Margaret17, it's an American Standard sink that came in a package with the cutting board, colander, and a stainless steel dishpan that also fits into the grooves so you can make the single bowl sink into a double if you need it. I bought it at Lowe's but I looked today and they are no longer carrying it. Not sure if it's being made anymore, couldn't find it on the American Standard website either. But I did find images for sinks with cutting boards when I googled that, and I think there are other kinds of sinks like this out there.

I paired the sink with a tall restaurant-style faucet with a spring made by Giagni. Here are some pics.

These were taken when it was brand new and shiny! I'm sorry I can't find more info on it for you. I can't believe they don't carry it anymore. It was something so different, it stood out to me. I wanted a single bowl sink but this setup seemed to me to give me flexibility in case I needed two bowls for some reason. The second "sink" is really just a glorified dishpan, though. And storing it is a little inconvenient since it's so big it doesn't fit under the sink well. Hope this helps anyway.

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Would love an invisible charging station, all the cords drive me mad, the trouble is the company's..(and yes you apple) change the ports all the time, and with changing technology it can easily become obsolete, remember vcrs and not long ago we all had iPods, we don't even use our blue ray other than running the sound through, but even now thinking of ditching that and getting a sound bar, but how I would love to have all the cords gone, maybe we will soon be able to charge remotely and everything will run well through wifi
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