
License article

How the offers process works

Processing fees must be paid

If you have not paid your course application processing fee, your application has not been processed and sent to course selection authorities. As a result you will not be considered for an offer. To pay your processing fee for consideration in future offer rounds, go to your VTAC User Account.

All offers are provisional

All offers are provisional and are based on meeting eligibility requirements, having provided full and correct information on your VTAC application, and attending enrolment at the date and time specified in your offer message.

Verbal offers have no status

If you receive a verbal offer, you should ask for the name of the person making the offer and call VTAC on 1300 364 133.


Fee types

The last digit of the course code indicates the fee type for the place you have been offered.

Course codes ending in '1': If you receive an offer for a course with a code that ends in '1', it means that you are required to pay only part of the cost of your place in the course because the majority of the cost is paid by the Australian government (for Commonwealth supported places) and the Victorian government (for government funded VET places).

Course codes ending in '2': If you receive an offer for a course with a code that ends in '2', the offer is for a domestic fee place. There is no contribution from the government. You will be liable for the full cost.

Course codes ending in '4': If you receive an offer for a course with a code that ends in '4', the offer is for a VET place with the fee-type not yet determined. Your eligibility for a government-funded place and the fees you are required to pay will be determined by the VET provider at enrolment.