Learn How to Develop the Next Generation of Applications for the Web

The average user visits more than 100 websites on their mobile device every month, and expectations for speed and quality higher than ever. These resources can help you supercharge your new or existing project with the next generation of web technologies in order to deliver fast, secure, and performant content to any screen.

Web Fundamentals

The fundamental knowledge you need to build delightful, modern, responsive web experiences.


Discover tools that can help you kickstart your development and improve your workflow.


Stay up to date on new web platform features, changes to Chrome and more.

A solution for everyone


Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Applications take advantage of new technologies to bring the best of mobile sites and native applications to users. They are:

  • Reliable - Load instantly and never show the downasaur, even in uncertain network conditions.
  • Fast - Respond quickly to user interactions with silky smooth animations and no janky scrolling.
  • Engaging - Feel like a natural app on the device, with an immersive user experience.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

The Accelerated Mobile Pages project provides a new standard, built on top of existing web technologies, to enable blazing-fast page rendering and content delivery.

  • Speed - Pages load instantly which means more engagement.
  • Openness - It works everywhere, cross platform.
  • Control - It’s just HTML - you control how your content looks and feels.

Latest updates for Web Developers

Follow best practices

Move to HTTPS

HTTPS allows users to securely connect to your website or app. Set up HTTPS to protect the integrity of your site, and the security of your users.

Optimize performance

Users don’t have the patience to wait for sites that can’t deliver content quickly. Learn testing techniques and best practices to ensure that your sites and apps are optimized and performant.

Make it responsive

Modern users live on phones, tablets and laptops; your apps and websites should do the same. Learn how to structure and code your content to look great on screens of any size.