On May 1, 2016, the behavior of the Picasa Web Albums Data API will change. Read other important Picasa updates here.
Important: Beginning May 1st, 2016, we’ll start rolling out changes to the Picasa Web Albums Data API and no longer support the following functionality:
  • Flash support
  • Community search
  • Mutation operations other than uploads
  • All support for tags, comments, and contacts
The API will still support other functions, including reading photos, reading albums, reading photos in albums, and uploading new photos. Although these operations will continue to be supported and the protocol will remain the same, the content included in the responses and the operation behavior may change. We'll update the documentation on this site with specifics on the changes in March. Read other important Picasa updates here.

What is the Picasa Web Albums Data API?

The Picasa Web Albums Data API allows for websites and programs to integrate with Picasa Web Albums, enabling users to create albums, upload and retrieve photos, comment on photos, and more!

Here are some of the things developers have done with the API:

  • Created applications to easily upload photos from devices, desktop applications, and other web services.
  • Created full-featured mobile clients for browsing and uploading to PWA.
  • Integrated PWA with blogging software to easily show PWA albums and photos.
  • Used PWA to power digital photo frames.

How do I start?

  1. View the Client Libraries and Sample Code currently available.
  2. Browse the Picasa Web Albums Data API Developer's Guide. and the Reference Guide.
  3. Get community support. Join our community and participate in our discussion group.

Looking for the Picasa desktop application?

Picasa Web Albums is the online photo hosting counter-part to Picasa, the free desktop client for image editing.