Check out Firebase – a unified app platform for Android and iOS development – and enable streamlined conversion tracking for AdWords!


Conversion tracking

Measure the effectiveness of your AdWords app install and app engagement campaigns--by tracking the installs and in-app events (such as purchases and sign-ups) that were driven by your advertising.


Reach your existing users with ads to re-engage them with your app, driving even more conversions.

Integration options

  • A lightweight SDK for Android and iOS apps
  • A server-to-server API option to notify AdWords of Android and iOS conversions and remarketing events from your analytics system.
  • A comprehensive implementation checklist for third-party trackers.

Using Doubleclick for Publishers?

If you are promoting an app on the DoubleClick for Publishers platform, refer to these specific instructions.

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Mobile Apps Conversion Tracking and Remarketing
Mobile Apps Conversion Tracking and Remarketing