What Is The Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API - Overview

This document provides a high level overview of the Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API. For a detailed reference of the API, read the Reference Guide.


The Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API enables you to request Multi-Channel Funnels data for an authenticated user. Data is derived from conversion path data, which shows user interactions with various traffic sources over multiple sessions prior to converting. This allows you to analyze how multiple marketing channels influence conversions over time. For more details on what data is available, read the About Multi-Channel Funnels, as well as About Multi-Channel Funnels Data.

With the Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API you can:

  • Create custom reports using Multi-Channel Funnels data. For example, you could use the Top Conversion Paths data to report on attributes such as relative position of interactions in a conversion path.
  • Integrate Multi-Channel Funnels data with your business data. For example, you could correlate online conversion data with offline sales data and media cost data to arrive at a more complete picture of marketing ROI.
  • Display Multi-Channel Funnels in new environments. For instance, you could create visualizations and other presentations of the data that communicate the value of different marketing channels in driving conversions.

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Conceptual Overview

The fundamental concepts underlying the Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API are:

  • How reports relate to users and views (profiles).
  • The structure of a report and how to build queries.
  • Conversion path data and attribution concepts.
  • Working with the API response.

Reports, Users, and Views (Profiles)

To request report data for a user, your application must identify the user and specify a view (profile) for which to retrieve the data. A user is identified by obtaining authorization credentials and passing them in each API request. A view (profile) is identified by a View (Profile) ID. Views (Profiles), among other entities, are part of the Google Analytics configuration hierarchy. Your application can use the Management API to traverse this hierarchy and obtain a view (profile) ID.

Querying for Dimensions and Metrics

You query the API for Google Analytics report data, which consists of dimensions and metrics. Metrics are the individual measurements of user activity like conversion counts and values. Dimensions break down metrics across some common criteria and can either be primitive values representing individual interaction events on conversion paths, or sequences representing the series of interaction events of entire conversion paths.

Use the Dimensions & Metrics Reference Guide to explore all the dimensions and metrics exposed through the API. Also, read the Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API Reference Guide to learn about how to specify dimensions and metrics in an API query.

Conversion Path Data and Attribution Concepts

Multi-Channel Funnels reports are generated from conversion paths: the sequences of interactions (e.g. clicks/referrals from channels) that led up to each conversion and transaction. The conversion paths are collected via the Google Analytics cookie which records interactions by the same browser and machine. The Multi-Channel Funnels data combines the Google Analytics conversion data with the sequence of interactions captured in the cookie.

Multi-Channel Funnels report queries return data based on a sample set of 1 million conversion paths. If the date range includes a total conversion count of 1 million or less, the report will be unsampled. Otherwise, a sample set of 1 million will be used to generate the results. This contrasts with the Core Reporting functionality, which samples on the basis of sessions. For more information on the data and related concepts, please read About Multi-Channel Funnels Data. You may also find it useful to read the Analyzing Channel Contributions article, which defines core concepts such as Assisted Conversions.

Working with Reports

The data returned form the API can be thought of as a table with a header and a list of rows. Each API response consists of a header that describes the name and data type of each column. The response also contains a list of rows, where each row is a list of cells with data in the same order as the headers. Read the Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API Reference Guide for more information about the API response.

Each cell value either contains a primitive value of string type, or a conversion path value. This conversion path value is an array of objects which represent all the nodes of that path. We can use the type information in the column headers to parse each cell value to its appropriate type. More of this here.

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Quota Policy

The Multi-Channel Funnels data query handles millions of operations. To protect the system from receiving more operations than it can handle, and to ensure an equitable distribution of system resources, it is necessary to employ a quota system. Read the Limits and Quota guide for more details.

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Next Steps

Now that you understand how the API works, we have a bunch of resources to help you get started:

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